Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Who would you rather......??

Late at night. Can't sleep. Playing a game with myself: who would you rather take in your fantasy football draft: a game that we often play when it's crunch time at your snake draft, but you weren't prepared for it before (Note: My big league is still doing an auction draft this year, which I still advociate for football over a snake draft. Just sayin').

1. Ray Rice or Jamaal Charles? Oooo.... you start with the tough questions, don't you? An inside source (Brother Mouzone) has told me Ray Rice looks awfully good in the preseason, and I think last year was a sophomore slump. He's my favorite fantasy player this year.

2. Michael Turner or Aaron Rodgers: Air-Rodg without a thought. A-Rodg might become the best fantasy QB ever; Turner the Burner is like a dinosaur in terms of fantasy.

3. Shonn Greene or Frank Gore: Definitely Gore. Greene's had like 6 games of fantasy greatness. Gore's been proven (to be injured) but also good when he's in there.

4. Tom Brady or Phillip Rivers: Tough. For some reason I think Brady gets distracted, gets older, something this year. Rivers is NEVER distracted. And he has a shiny new toy this year: the V-Jax Version 3.0.

5. Greg Jennings v. Reggie Wayne: Beware of players in fantasy who've peaked: Wayne looks ready to pass on the torch; Jennings is 5 years younger and the #1 receiver on a just-as dynamic offense. Plus, I have a man-crush on Jennings so this was a free-bee.

6. Sebastian Janikowski or Mason Crosby: Dude, if you're asking these questions, for the love of god stop embarrassing yourself and quit this game. DON'T DRAFT KICKERS UNTIL THE LAST ROUND!!!! Btw, the correct answer is Mason Crosby.

7. Dallas Clark or Jason Witten: Go with Witten. Sources tell me Clark looking banged up and also on the wrong side of 30. (If you're seeing a trend here, it's true, I'm down on the Colts this season. Brother Mouzone predicts Colts won't make the playoffs.)

8. Ryan Mathews or Jeremy Maclin: I'm high on Mathews even though he burned me to a crisp last year ($38 auction dollars I'll never get back), but I think Maclin just does better. Maclin is rated like 63 or so in Yahoo! Guys, he's like a top 10 WR. C'mon.

Hope you enjoyed this edition. At the end of the season, I predict I will get 5 out of 8 of these "Who would you rather"'s correct. Book it.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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