Sunday, August 28, 2011


"No one wins. One side just loses more slowly." - Roland Pryzbylewski, The Wire

After almost 2 months, Big Brother finally had an interesting episode tonight, as the generals of the 2 remaining alliances were both sent packing within the hour and the final 6 were decided.
Danielle v. Jeff was one of the biggest storylines of the season, a real heavyweight bout between 2 of the more memorable houseguests in Big Brother history, not just this season. Their departure reminds me of one of the biggest axioms in Big Brother: Don't be the leader; power is weakness; weakness is power. If you're at the very head of your alliance and have a great deal of power in the house, you have actually the least power because you're the biggest target, everyone's gunning after you. The person who's the quietest and perceived weakest is usually the strongest in a game like Big Brother and usually comes out ahead (See Adam-BB9, Dan BB10, Jordan BB11, etc., etc.) Jeff, just by being the strong man that he is, was not built to ever win Big Brother. He's ALWAYS gonna be too big of a target because he's always a threat to win competitions. Unless they change it to shortest-person-wins HoH contests or knitting/weaving vetos, Jeff will always be a threat. Danielle- basically same category: won 5 vetos in her first season, won 2 HoH's already this season = HUGE perceived threat.
Therefore, in the battle of Danielle v. Jeff, tonight's result was really inevitable: they both took each other down, victims of each other's strong competitivness.
Adam and Shelly (lowest on the totem in each remaining 3-person alliance) are my frontrunners to win.

...On to Fantasy football. Instead of just stewing in my state of unemployment, I figure I'll write about something I have control over and know something about: Fantasy football. Last year in my preview edition I was right on about Philip Rivers, DeAngelo Williams, and Steve Smith/Randy Moss, and I won my Hinsdale South league with my old high school buddies. For no money. yay!!!! (Seriously, it's getting to be a pretty disheartening trend: If a league has no money on the line, I do great and have GREAT LUCK. The more money's on the line, the worse I get. It's amazing.)

1. My biggest Robert-ism for this year: DO NOT DRAFT MICHAEL VICK!!!!! He WAS like the #1 or #2-rated fantasy player a few months ago, and reasonable minds have finally come down to earth and he's now somewhere around the Top 15. Still too high. Remember, last year at this time you coulda gotten Vick FOR FREE!!!! Buying Vick is like buying a stock at $200 when it was a penny stock last year: I don't care what kind of growth model or magical pixie the stock is sellin' I ain't buying.
2. I have never owned Adrian Peterson, and I'm gonna stay that way. Call me a hater but I give RB's about 3 years; then injuries, legs, etc. catch up. Welcome to the NFL. You have an expiration date; you exceed it, I'm throwing you out.
3. Lovin' Vincent Jackson and Hakeem Nicks. One of those guys could be the undisputed Champion of the WR's by year's end.
4. If I go with any QB this year, it's Tony Romo. Don't need to overreach for him, and he's got the skills, plus the receiving corps to still do it. QB's don't have expiration dates; in fact his years of productivity make him so much more reliable than Vick. Romo> Vick.
5. Still loving Greg Jennings. After a horrendous start, guy was a STUD in the 2nd half. In PPR leagues, make sure you scoop up Wes Welker, the Foot Soldier.
6. Jermichael Finley should be the #1 TE off your board. Seriously.
7. Austin Collie and Jeremy Maclin looking awfully good as deep sleepers in the Top 60 players range: good QB's, high-powered offenses.
8. If you're intent on a 2-RB set to begin with, I'd target Jamaal Charles + Frank Gore: Charles the young beast with wings, Gore the (relatively) old fantasy superstar that can do everything.

Fatnasize on,
Robert Yan

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