Friday, August 12, 2011

New beginnings begin in Alaska

             In many ways, this Alaska trip has been the perfect conclusion to a 3-year period for me. Back in August 2008, I knew going into to law school that the next 3 years would be tough, an all-out grind, endurance challenge that would have its ups and downs, twists and turns, unexpected challenges and suprising delights, all culminating in the Bar Exam taken in Late July of 2011. Whelp, that all happened. Law school, as evidenced by my posts, was a challenge, and I am gratefully done with it. Now to what lies beyond: real life.

            This new week in Alaska was the exact opposite of what law school was: a total escape, to put the mind at ease, do something at the other end of the spectrum as law school. No memorandums to write, no tests to study for, no black-letter law to memorize, no judicial decisions to review. No, Alaska has been wildlife, glaciers, natural scenery, back-country roads, bear tracks, all the things that are NOT required in the modern world, that one (especially me) sometimes forgets about while studying hard during law school.                    

There’s a whole nuther world out here, and I’m glad I’m experiencing it. This week I’ve literally felt the law slip away, unclench its tight fights around my head and release, so that I feel like I can breath, my body can relax, and my mind is at ease. I’ve missed this feeling, I hope to have it many times over the course of my life.
This week in Alaska has also allowed me to re-evaluate myself and forecast where my life is headed, adjust my outlook. I would say I’m in a downswing of my life, a valley, if you will, but in many ways I’ve still been lucky and are blessed with some excellent conditions: excellent health, excellent familial support, adequate financial situation (although that may change once my student loans come due), excellent blog, and (I think) still a good attitude. I’ve also taken the time to formulate a few plans of my own, and I plan on springing those into action as soon as I get back to the real world.

So, alas, Alaska, our time together is nearing an end. You’ve been good to me, and I hope I’ve been good to you (haven’t littered, haven’t polluted or anything). I hope I come back to see you one day, under better circumstances, and I hope you will give me everything you’ve given me this week (and more). Thanks.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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