Thursday, February 15, 2007

last games before all-star break

Tonight was the last of NBA games for almost a week, so i sat down and watched houston vs. dallas. Good game, lotsa good defense actually, shane battier is such a vet.

Remember in 2005 Houston and Dallas had a memorable 7-game series where Tracy McGrady and Dirk Nowitzki went blow for blow for each other? Dallas ended up winning that series, and the Rockets haven't been the same since. Neither, apparently, has been T-Mac. I perenially draft this guy in many of my fantasy leagues, last year i got seriously burned taking him before D-Wade and his back was just a problem all season...........i guess i didn't learn from it and drafted him in all THREE of my leagues. He's been okay this year and did come back from an injury, but i just don't like him anymore. And i don't think he's ever reverting back to his Orlando days. His %'s are atrocious, he doesn't steal that many any more and doesn't score as much. I dunno. I lost faith in this guy. I traded him in all 3 of my leagues for jermaine o'neal, pau gasol, and mike miller respectively, all straight-up. I think in hindsight he's a very overrated fantasy player because in real life he can dominate a game offensively but fantasy-wise he has kobe bryant numbers except worse %'s.

Tim Hardaway's comments about "i hate gay people" couldn't have come at a worse time. He's now banned from the all-star game. O man was that a mistake. I wonder how he woulda been as a fantasy player. Just a guess: pretty good. O boy would i loved to have john stockton w/ his assists and steals on my team back in the day.

Ah computer acting up. That's it for today.

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