Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What is "The Iron Throne" in Today's Society

Recently the latest season of Game of Thrones (hard to believe we've already ripped through 5 seasons, only 2 or 3 seasons left in this epic saga!) ended with a bang as (SPOILER ALERT) a major character who was a possible contender for the Iron Throne (king of Westeros) lay dying. As Game of Thrones is a show based on real human characters with very human flaws and human desires, it's an interesting case study on how people behave and adapt.

My 2 favorite characters on Game of Thrones have always been Littlefinger and Varys....two men of common birth who rose up through the ranks to become lords and hold a great amount of power, using kings (like King Robert Baratheon) as chess pieces in a greater game through manipulation, strategy, and grasping opportunities where they presented themselves. I've always aspired to be that. I, Robert of the House Yan, am not noble by birth (I wasn't born into the Bush or Clinton families in America, or into the political elite of Communist China), or into celebrity fame like Will Smith's son, but I hope to rise up through the ranks one day through sheer determination and seizing of opportunities, and possibly, just one day, make it in a position where I can sit atop the Iron Throne.

But what exactly is the Iron Throne in today's world? Sure the theoretical figurehead of power is the President of the U.S., and one can definitely argue that person (may be a she after the next Presidential election) is the most powerful person in the world. That person would be commander in chief of one of the greatest armies in the world and have intelligence information surpassing most of what other countries have. That president also lives in the history books as someone to be revered and remembered (despite it really being just a popularity contest as to who sit there, not a reflection of how someone does when one is actually President)

So is the Iron Throne even something that I want? Just like the Iron Throne on Game of Thrones, with great power comes great responsibility, like having to answer to the citizens of the country one is king/ President of, or defeating other armies, or always thwarting attempts on one's life from people who also want to be in that position. The best position may be just like the ones that Varys or Littlefinger sit, being adviser to the King/president and providing useful information/ "advice" that goes to further one's schemes.

A powerful position in the world is media power, a hero like LeBron James or Jay-Z who transcends their particular arena to have a global impact. These people, right or wrong, have the adoration of the whole world and have more power than even the president, in the hearts and minds of the people. This would be like the Jamie Lannisters or Lorys Tyrells of the real world: warriors whose names ring out

There's also the finally wealthy positions. At last check, the wealthiest person in the world was Carlos Slim, followed by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. These people hold power through the money that they possess and are able to make an impact through business and affecting the fates of huge businesses (that are kingdoms in themselves). As we saw through Tywin Lannister's philosophy of controlling the purse strings of the country and making everyone in debt to oneself, it's a great way of gaining power over others. Especially in today's business-based society where wars aren't won or lost so much on the battlefield as much as they are in the boardrooms and CEO offices, it's a great power to be a business titan.

The point is, I've realized recently that I've been fortunate enough to make it where I am now, where I can live comfortably and have a normal life of playing dodgeball, running, meeting up with family now and then and eventually starting my own, but is that all I want in my life? My mom was very ambitious and tried to make the very best life that she could for herself, and that blood kind of runs through my veins. My ancestor was a warrior known throughout China feared throughout the country, darn it! He has a page in the history books! I want one too! The road to the Iron Throne, whichever form it takes, whether it be the seat of a corporate boardroom, or the seat at a media performing center, or a seat in a government office, begins now!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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