Wednesday, June 10, 2015


にきび. 面皰. 吹出物
Acne. Zits. Pimples. Just the mention of some a grotesque term turns me off and I’ve shied away from writing about it, but the reality is I have it. I’ve had it since I was 12 years old, and it’s plagued me in various degrees since. I’ve tried different antibiotics, skin cleansers, oil removers, sulfur masks, different diets, drinking more water than usual, almost everything, but at this point I’ realize that it’s around to stay.

I think those who suffer from acne, whatever degree, have all done some, if not all, of the following:
  1. Feel jealous of those who have great skin
  2. Look in different mirrors and different types of lighting to get the “best view” of one's face
  3. Try to pick at blemishes even though it’s not a great idea (acne supposedly grows back faster if you pop it early)
  4. used concealer to hide acne or acne scars.
  5. Cringe whenever a new acne product advertisement comes on and other people are in the room
  6. Not be able to look someone else straight in the eye when a really bad breakout day comes
  7. Take a day off/half day off when a new breakout occurs
  8. Irrationally argue that a certain medication "is working, it just takes some time" when in reality it really has no effect and one is just kidding oneself
  9. Get frustrated by a dermatologist for not prescribing the right medication
  10. Complain about the amount of time it takes to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist
  11. Consider "Accutane," the only "true" cure for acne
  12. Blame one's parents for having genetically bad skin
  13. See someone else in public with even worse skin and shamelessly think, " at least my skin's not that bad."
  14. Get made fun of in high school for having acne
  15. pray at night before going to bed that the acne will just somehow disappear in the morning
To summarize, having acne is very, very difficult and causes self esteem problems as well as create stress for people in such a materialistic/appearance-based world. If you can relate to the above post, don't despair there are others out there who are going through the same thing. If you've never had to deal with acne, I lay curse on your house. Just kidding. Enjoy an acne-free world, I am very jealous of you. 
Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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