Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sneaky Things that Normally Don't Get Noticed But I Feel Thankful About

This past Labor Day weekend I visited my buddy in Denver, Colorado. Great time, great experience, great city. But could have went so, so wrong at various points.

1.) Flight was at 6:00AM Friday. Woke up on my buddy's couch at 6:45AM. Oops. Sneaky thankful thing: Had set my alarm for 4:30PM, not 4:30AM, so technically could have woken up even LATER, compromising my chance of getting out at all.

2.) Just barely missing a huge chunk of traffic. This could be because you randomly took Route B instead of Route A to work or when there was a vehicle accident occurring right after you that blocked the road. Whatever it is, realized later on that I just missed getting stopped for a solid $15 minutes.

3.) Pulling into the LAX airport parking lot and just going straight through with the thought, "Who knows, maybe my plane hasn't left yet?" (Folly, Southwest Airlines almost always leave on time in my experience). At last second decided to get out of the parking lot (woulda cost me $30 a day for 3 days) and going to the outside lot (cost $12 a day). $54 decision right there.

4.) Signing up for the next flight to Denver early, getting pulled off of stand-by at the last second after "waiting for a passenger to show up," being the last passenger admitted onto the flight. Absolute luck. Kinda lame, but it's a rush getting on a plane at last second and flying out while 5 minutes ago you didn't know when you would be leaving, if at all.

5.) Selected Saturday night's Rockies game instead of Friday night's at Coor's Field. Result: Saw my first live  Grand Slam, courtesy of one Dexter Fowler.

6.) Went mountain biking and did NOT crash and burn. A minor miracle.

7.) Went to the shooting range, fired a gun and did NOT shoot my eye out. It's an "interesting" feeling, holding a live gun and then firing. Can't say I feel rather confident, and certainly out of the 25 bullets I fired or so none of them went where I wanted them to.

8.) Avoided rain, snow, and any kind of adverse weather conditions the whole weekend in Colorado.

9.) Was NOT subjected to eating Rocky Mountain Oysters. Heard it was a delicacy in Denver, I'll pass.

10.) Making it back to LA in time for the wedding of my co-worker.  Chalk that up as No. 3 on Bobby's weddings. I've sort of worked into a groove for these weddings; they can be really fun. Glad I was NOT asked to leave after my brave and alcohol-induced but ultimately unwatchable performance on the dance floor. Sigh.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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