Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Sure Signs It's NFL Week 1

1.) People are hung over from Labor Day weekend, whining that summer is over, kids are back in school, and two-thirds of the year is over. It's Football (and Fantasy Football season).

2.) You find yourself "balancing" between managing your fantasy baseball playoffs (probably much more important in terms of you having spent 6 months devoted it to it, especially if you've made it to the playoffs) and your Fantasy Football draft, which is also important because that determines half of what your season is going to be like. Or Option b) You've had a lousy fantasy baseball season and are eager to start afresh with the football season and swear off baseball forever.

3.) There's also a lot of College Football talk, including discussion of "Who's the No. 1 team?" The answer in 2012 is the University of Southern California Trojans. Any other questions?

4.) You scan the Preseason prop bet odds (like "Indianapolis Colts win their Division, 25 to 1) or ("Jacksonville Jaguars win the Super Bowl, 1 million to 1) and SWEAR you'd make a killing in Vegas if you could just get action on those bets.

5.) The previous year's Super Bowl winner hosts a "Homecoming team" (Giants v. Cowboys) and wins its first game (the Super Bowl team has won the matchup eight straight years) on a random Thursday night (this year it's Wednesday night), prompting unfair discussion of whether the NFL kickoff weekend starts on the Wednesday or on Sunday. (My answer is Sunday, because NFL is all about Sundays, Sundays, Sundays. Not Wednesday nights. That's for like reruns of NCIS).

6.) HBO's miniseries "Hard Knocks" comes to a close detailing the preseason of an NFL team, going out with a whimper after starting with great momentum due to NFL lovers' desire for ANYTHING that resembles football after 7 months of nothing. This year's Hard Knocks was really unfortunate due to the lack of star power in the Dolphins clubhouse, non-charismatic coach(es), and unexciting quarterback battle.

7.) Smack talk is commenced, rivalries are revisited, champions from yesteryear are reminded of in Fantasy Football league message boards. Hope abounds for one and all, even the most unskilled of managers.

8.) Diva WR's or RB's make wild prognistications about their future performance in the coming year with no baseline or rationality, to the tune of such things as "100 catches for 1,500 yards" or "2000 all-purpose yards," and the like, not factoring in the 100% likelihood of injury during the season, lesser but still-present likelihood of suspension, and finally cold, hard facts that those type of achievements happen for ONE player in the entire NFL each year.

9.) Sports bars across America get ready to fill up on Sunday mornings/afternoons with fans wearing their respective teams' jerseys. 6 hours of alcohol, yelling, and celebratory dances later, America tries to recover from its collective football hangover on Sunday night in time for work on Monday morning.

10.) The whole nation holds their breath as they eagerly anticipate the rallying cry of what is in modern day truly America's game: "Are You Ready for Some Footbaaaaaaaaall??????????"

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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