Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I almost never talk about religion. I never voluntarily bring up religion in conversation (to me, it's a divisive topic that I don't know that much about and one that's hard to utilize a "cheap joke" at, so I avoid it. Many people feel strongly about it). I don't like to talk about my own religion, or lack thereof. My parents never took me to church, my parents never talked to me about religion. My friends don't talk about religion. People from different religions reach out to me from time to time, but I don't commit to anyone. I don't read religious books. I have not read the Bible or any other sacred literature. I do not observe religious holidays, except when they also happen to be federal holidays. I do not try to convince anyone that my way of viewing religion is correct. I do not pause for a prayer before meals unless I'm the guest of someone who does.

To me, there's no "correct" answer for religion. As I've mentioned before, I believe there is a higher power, just not necessarily the ones that the major religions believe to exist.

But the point of this article is, I pray. And I'm not talking about the "Prayer for Relief" that I write in lawsuit complaints. I'm talking about the prayer that most associate with communicating to a higher power, the definition : a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to an object of worship.

I pray before I got to bed. I do not pray often enough; I often forget because I have had a long day and am ready to go to bed. When I do pray, I do not fold my hands together or do anything with my hands. When I pray, I use my mind to communicate to "whoever it is" if they're listening. I used to pray for myself. I used to pray for my fantasy team. I used to pray for selfish things. I no longer pray for those things as the purpose of prayer and appealing to a higher power, I believe, should not be a selfish endeavor, and I've already been blessed enough in my life.

I pray for peace in the world. I pray for justice to be served. I pray for the weak to be relieved of oppression from their oppressors. I pray for the hopeless to become hopeful. I pray for a miracle for one person who's given up. I pray for sickness to become prosperity. I pray for death to become life. I pray for fairness, for equality, for good to be rewarded.

I pray for specific people. I pray for my family to stay healthy. I pray for people I meet randomly to be granted their wishes. I pray for people who are in agony to be relieved of their pain. I pray for non-specific things as well.

I pray for forgiveness sometimes when I have done something wrong. I pray I have the ability to prevent those mistakes from happening again. I pray that I become a better person. I know I have the ability to control myself more than prayer will.

I usually do not know if these prayers are granted. I know my family has stayed safe. I know prayer helps me stay grounded. I pray that my prayers have some good for someone in this life.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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