Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yea, It's the Freakin' Weekend

Title inspired by a recent song (not sure of the song or the artist, just that it's super-catchy) that is right-on about the anxious waiting for the weekend to begin.

Now that I'm working, I appreciate the weekend that much more. You have 5 days working, and just 2 days of the weekend, plus the goes-very-quickly Friday night. Here's a sample of what I've done the last few weekends:

1. Sit home and read the WSJ
2. Sit home and watch movies
3. Tennis on Saturday mornings.
4. Run up and down the stairs to save time not having to run outside.
5. Work out (probably the only time I have to develop my killer biceps, and by killer I mean very miniscule)
6. Santa Anita racetrack( went with work to bet on some horses, as luck would have it I bet on 4 different horses, none won, lost $20).
7. Watched NFL football at a bar with friends.
8. Survivor audition video (haven't heard back, probably have been rejected by reality TV for the 6th time).
9. study Chinese.
10. Halloween event at a bar

Notice nothing in there about a "date" or "wild party" or "stayed out all night." Man, by the end of the week I have no energy BUT to rest a bit at home and do some menial activities. Friday night, instead of being a big go-out time, is unwind and watch a movie time. Plus, I travel so much in my car from Monday to Friday I don't want to go anywhere during the week, just sit home for a while and enjoy some me-time, not go back outside and face the world. It's really a completely different mindset than when I was a 3L, when it was "go out, meet people, enjoy life, don't spend a second at home wasting your last year of freedom." Now that I'm not free, I am almost allergic to "freeing" activities.

* Btw, I do realize that the lack of date thing needs to change. I'm 24.5 years old and have been pretty much single exclusively throught law school....Ladies, you're telling me this blog doesn't convince you of how cool I am?

So yea, the bottom line is, I enjoy my weekend now in totally different ways. And I'm okay with it. Ultimately, the weekend is about how YOU want to enjoy YOUR free time, not how society usually spends it, or how other people spend it. It's what YOU feel like doing. Sometimes (Many times) there's nothing better than to just sit home and let the cable TV wash over you. As you listen to the song, "Yea, it's the freakin' weekend......"

O, here's a tip: Get the NFL Rewind package for $40.00 for the whole season, split the prescription with a friend, total cost $20.00 for all the games you want to see in their entirety. Great deal if you like football; I get all Charger games, all Bears games, and all my fantasy players' scoring plays. It's like heroin for fantasy football fanatics.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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