Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Friday, Friday, every day is Friday......I don't know if it's ironic, or sad, or wonderful, or what, but the popular Youtube hit "Friday" was performed by a Rebecca "Black." Sigh. Someone really has a sense of humor.

I don't think I've EVER gotten up early or waited in line for Black Friday. Call me crazy, but I just don't like the idea of camping out, waiting forever, being uncomfortable, depriving myself of sleep, for the pleasure of PAYING MONEY for products. It's not like you're getting these things for free, people. The stores are still making money. Personally, I wouldn't wait 9 hours to get something for free, much less at a supposed "bargain basement price."

What I DO like to do on Black Friday, however, is put up Christmas lights. Perfect time to do it: You're feeling fat and bloated from gorging yourself with Thanksgiving delights from the night before, it's time to do some physical activity/ work. Climb a ladder, set up some penguins, hammer in some deer, that's what I enjoy doing. Plus, it's the last off day you get before Christmas; and it contributes to the awesomeness of living in surburbia, which is the vast array of Christmas decorations that almost all families have.

One of the coolest things in life is going for a job in a suburban neighborhood (such as my own) on December 22nd, 23rd, or even 24th.......every house is decorated to the brim with fake Santas, colorful reindeer, festive lights, and it-almost-looks-real candy canes. It's one of the more amazing sights in life, going down the roads, seeing almost every house lit up in such decorative affair. You don't have to be religious, really like Christmas, or even like bright and shiny lights to like it. It's one of the miracles of life that so many people are willing to go to such lengths to celebrate one day of the year.

Anyway, I'm going to the USC-UCLA football game Saturday night, the season finale and the end to another great season of USC football. Go figure, the 3 years I attended USC they were perpetually in decline, were sanctioned for NCAA violations, and went through a coaching change. (they were especially mediocre the 2 years I had season tickets, 2009 and 2010.) Now, finally, when they're back to being a top 10 QB again with a franchise QB (Matt Barkley), I have to pay regular fare. Go figure. Not complaining, though, let's hope for multiple national championships in the near future.

And Illini, please have a good basketball season? Please?

Anyone ever watch the Amazing Race: Asia or Amazing Race: China Rush? Actually pretty entertaining, you can tell it's made by the same Amazing Race people. And that opening theme; you can recognize it anywhere. Btw, my 8+ years of watching Amazing Race tells me that Marcus & Amani are going to win the most recent edition of the Race, although the edits throughout the season don't usually suggest a winner. It'd really be a shame if Jeremy & Sandy won; barely know who those guys are, they've done so little.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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