Friday, October 2, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Fun game I like to play with people, learned it from my favorite show, the bubbly, enigmatic, charismatic, aromatic (put that in there just to rhyme) al from season 2 of "the mole." He did it to expose people's lies, I do it to expose people's preferences. Try it sometime, it's a good icebreaker.

Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi- sweeter, less of the after-sizzle.

Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream- better texture, like the frostiness.

TV or movie? - TV, too big of a commitment to watch a movie

Left Hand or Right hand? Right hand is firmer and more reliable, althought left hand makes all the CAPITAL letters.

Beard or Moustache? (for grown men only)- Neither, I shave it right off immediately.

Superman or Spiderman? - Spiderman, has more cool contraptions and is a mortal, actually has to risk death.

Vanilla or Chocolate? - Vanilla, but only for ice cream flavors. Vanilla wafers = icky.

Highway or local? - Highway, local gets your adrenaline going because you think it's a shortcut, but shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line.

Apple or Oranges: Oranges, more work but more reward.

Fire or water: This one's not much of a choice, one you need to live and the other prevents you from living.

Hawaii or Alaska: Never been to Alaska, so Hawaii now as a vacation hot-spot.

River or Lake: River, I've always been a person who goes places, or at least aspires to.

Mexican food or Chinese food: Mexican's food made a strong showing the last few years (Chipotle), but still gotta stick w/ my main course.

Rock or Hip-Hop: Eminem, some others point the way to rap for me.

Rain or Snow: Snow can be SOOOOOOO beautiful. And white's my favorite color.

Sunrise or sunset: Is there a difference?

Father or mother: Most people, like me, skip this question for fear of taking sides.

Baseball or Basketball: Basketball, lot more action, lot more diverse skills, I can actually catch one.

Playing this game or doing something else: Depending on how many questions have been asked, most people opt for the latter. But seriously, try it if you're stuck in an elevator, stuck in a car, bored out of your mind, feeling your life slip away, genuinely want to know someone better.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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