Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chinese Moon Festival + Week 4 action

Combined post today. This past weekend was the Mid-Autumn Festival, a.k.a. Moon Festival (I'm so sophisticated about Chinese culture that I had to google this to get the exact name), celebrated in China by planting mid-autumn trees, setting off firecrackers, carrying brightly lit lanterns, and fire dragon dances (again, straight out of wikipedia). However, we didn't go that all out, opting instead to just eat moon cake, which can be awfully delicious.

Other part of the holiday: Peformed in my first orchestra concert since circa-2005. Felt good about our concert, played in front of 500+ people (lots of them Chinese, lots of whom came because it was free) but you know what, it felt good. For one of the few times I could remember, it was FUN to play in a concert because it was lively music, I hadn't practiced the pieces so much that it had gotten monotonous, and I had done it voluntarily ( sort of a cognitive dissonance thing I guess). Also, the fame-seeking, Big Brother contestant-wannabe side of me liked that I was performing in front of an audience, that I was being watched, and I had really missed that. Law school = sitting by yourself reading/ bouncing your thoughts around in your own head, and even in undergrad it was more do-your-own-thing, even in athletics it's just playing intramurals, where the only crowd is the 2 teams. I remember back in high school playing in front of the whole school, in front of live audiences, and even one time playing at Symphony Hall in Chicago. I guess I took those experiences for granted, but it really came back to me yesterday, and I really had fun doing it again. Didn't hurt that we sounded pretty good.

Yesterday: Hundreds of people in audience. Graduation/highschool: Thousands in attendance. When a Contestant on Big Brother 12: Hundreds of live audience members, and the MILLIONS........AND MILLIONS........watching at home......haha.

Okay, week 4 in the NFL, notables:

Raise your hand if you thought Denver'd be 4-0 and Tennessee would be 0-4 to start the season. If you're raising your hand, slap yourself w/ that hand for lying. Now raise your hand if you thought Denver might be 0-4 and Tennessee 4-0. Aw, we're finally starting to tel the truth, are we?

Look up what I said a week ago about Mike Sims-Walker. Now congratulate yourself on his 91-yard, 2 TD performance, then send Robert "Da Man" his due for giving that to you.

GATES, BABY! - Finally hit paydirt, and guess he liked it cuz he did it again later. Unfortunately, the Chargers had the ball like 10 minutes the whole game, and L.T. looks totally done.

Who's better, Tony Romo or Kyle Orton? Answer might seem obvious, but look at Orton's stats and it might tell different story. Dirtybeard Kyle's threw 2 more TD's today to have 5 on the season w/ ZERO INT's!!! O, and Brandon Marshall's again the big target he was paid (or yet to be paid) to be. Bodes will for that passing attack.

Congrats if you drafted the NYG defense. They dominate people.

Donald Brown or Joseph Addai? Looks like Addai still has some life left, and remember he was a top-5 pick going into last season. Looks healthy.

Would pick up this Massaquoi guy from Cleveland not only because he has a cool name and I heard Dick Enberg say his name so many times during SEC games, but 8 REC's and 148 yards usually means the QB likes your number.

My friends debated who the NFL's worst team is. After losing 35-0 today, the Rams are the frontrunners.

Althought "Whatcha talking' about" Willis scored again for the Ravens today, I would STILL sell high on him. Same thing w/ Mark Sanchez, althought today kinda supported my theory. Young guy, yet to face some really tough teams in the AFC........will run into trouble. Not even Joe Flacco could avoid some rookie mistakes last season.........Btw, I say Jets finish not better than 9-7. Mark it.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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