Saturday, October 31, 2009

10 Reasons to go to a USC football game

- anybody read Tim Donaghy's excerpts from his unpluished book? shocking, SHOCKING!!! it really makes you wonder and puts more fuel in the NBA conspiracy theories.

Halloween is a fun holiday, and many say it's the adult christmas, but really it's just one day of excitement, really. One costume, one big party, and that's it. OVER-rated. Probably spoken by someone who hasn't been to a really good Halloween party.
Probably the best thing about Halloween is just opening the party bag and letting yourself at the candy that you've accumulated from Halloween, stuffing your face until you've submitted yourself to a sugar-induced daze, chocolate still caked around your mouth. It's a gratifying feeling, but for your own good, and for this blog's liability issues, please use in moderation.

I went to the USC-Oregon state game last week and compiled this list of good reasons:

10.) LA Coliseum: quite the structure in the middle of South Central L.A., you can imagine it as the structure that it was named after, the Roman Colisseum, with gladiators, lions, deathmatches, and the whole bit. Lots of history, and plus the Amazing Race started there one season. Niiiice.

9.) Tailgates: not necessarily my cup of tea, but if you're into morning-til afternoon drinking, eating of hot dogs, and sharing of camaderie, this saturday ritual is for you. And the USC campus is one of the better venues to do it in college football.

8.) USC Song Girls: especially the deep-knee bends when doing the USC fight song.

7.) USC Fight song(s): There's an official fight song, the "Fight on" song, and a couple others, especially the S-O-U-T-H-E-R-N C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A it a couple times with the locals and you'll feel yourself feeling part of the game.

6.) Pete Carroll: Listen to this game's post-game and pre-game conferences, radio interviews, and TV appearances, and you instantly get the impression he is a very classy guy, a face-of-the-organization type, someone whom players want to play for. Also, he's the target of the "Big-Balls Pete" chant on 4th down. 'Nuff said.

5.) Challenging schedule: Not afraid of facing stiff competition, USC already plays in one of the toughest conferences in the league (right up there w/ the Big 12, just below the SEC), USC doesn't have just powder-puffs like Who-Knows University or Nowhere St., they go home-and-home w/ big time teams, getting exciting non-conference home games like Ohio St. last year.

* As I'm writing this Oregon has just made it a 3-TD game in Eugene against the herementioned Trojans. USC Defense looking as thin as paper, it's semi-embarrasing....time to watch baseball?

4.) Alternative to baseball- for the first time I can remember, the baseball playoffs have extended ALL THE WAY into NOVEMBER? What? That's expecting too long of an attention span for the avg. fan, especially when there's football and basketball on. Not a smart long-term strategy, MLB.

Game functionally over for USC. Wow, no national championship this year, not even a rose bowl. Uh, lemme get back to the top 3 reasons on another post. Pretty despondent about this game, not used to saying, "better luck next year" for the trojans.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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