Sunday, October 18, 2009


It's a problem that affects millions of men across the United States every week. It can cause anguish, despair, bargaining, and sometimes, settling for just one game. Where do you go to watch all the Sunday NFL games? Get the DirectTV NFL package and it's too expensive, especially in a tight-fisted economy. So what do you do?

I got a suggestion for you. GO TO YOUR LOCAL COSTCO!!!! Yup, I will bet that wherever you live, there will be at least one manager/ person in charge of television products at your local Costco that will want football to be playing, and have a directTV remote to go with it. It's awesome. These guys will do the equivalent of flipping between games. If your local game is a blowout, they switch to the nail-biter. If it's halftime of your game, they will switch it to a game that's happening. So basically, they're your best friend for watching good football. The best part? It's free. You can just stand there and pretend like you're buying stuff, or if you're married, let the significant other pick up the duties for a little bit, then dillydally a little bit. Beautiful thing, Costco. This is just one more thing that it's good for.

Anybody who had offensive starters on the Patriots today, congratulations. Especially for Tom Brady owners, I hope you had fun today. It was a long time coming.

Pretty sure I was wrong about Matt Schaub. He's like a flashlight, lights up the scoreboard.

Did I not tell you about Ray Rice last week? And at the beginning of the season? Yea, I did. Try to get him now if it's not too late.

Can anybody say, "J-E-T-S, just end the season?" As predicted, NYJ faltering, losing to Bills at home. T.O.'s not a bad guy to get like ur taking him off of someone's hands, he might get moved or even do well w/ the Bills later on.

Now that Jamarcus Russell proved he can actually throw in the vicinity of his own players, Zach Miller, the TE, is a GREAT pick-up if you're lacking. If you got Gates/Witten/Gonzalez, no need.

The NYG Steve Smith is honestly better to have than the CAR Steve Smith right now. Try to catch an owner off guard who doesn't know the difference.

Get any N.O. Saints you can, that team might score 1,000 points this year.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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