Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fall Semester - It's been a while

Wow, can't believe how long it's been since I've updated this blog, but here goes...........A lot of events have happened in the life of Robert Yan since June 20th ( 4 months do tend to go by rather quickly). *Note: If you came to the blog just to read on the fantasy stuff and do not give one droplet of shit about the life of Robert Yan, skip down to the good stuff. * I recommend it

I realize now that I may have been a little traumatized by my LSAT score, which came back as a 166, really below my expected total of 169, as you could see in my previous posts. Part of the reason was the June test had a really rough curve, as a -12 resulted in a 166; not to say that it was unfair, but I was definitely a little disappointed about my score, probably a lot more so back in June when I got it than I am. Wow, 172? What was I thinking? Anyway, I retook the LSAT in September and thought I did alright on it, most likely better than 166 but not by too much. In this particular test I felt didn't go as well as the June test, but I dunno if maybe that's just me trying not to be overoptimistic like last time and disappointing myself. Hopefully that's the case and not just me doing really poorly. I figure the worst I could have done was a 165 and the best maybe a 172, so average that out and get a 168, 169, that'd be pretty good in my estimation.

(O btw, I promise to get to the fantasy sports stuff. Bare with me here, I'm ramblin about my life.)

Anyway, so I think regardless of the score that comes out this friday/ saturday I will apply early decision to UCLA ( my number 1 choice), apply elsewhere to USC and Washington University , a fairely safe school in Illinois, and then some reach schools like Michigan, UC-Berkeley, Penn, and Georgetown. Crossing my fingers because I figure my "soft factors" like work experience are a bit weak, and I still need to write my personal statement.

I also need to get my grades up a bit in my current classes; I don't want to lose ground now that I'm in the home stretch. Fin300 and BA449 are my tough classes right now that might be a threat to my GPA, and I haven't done anything that's been graded yet in Fin241. Gotta suck it up!

I've become appointed webmaster of an organization on campus called "A Novel Idea," centered on discussing books we've read. I'm now treasurer for SIFE; signed up for a winter Alternative Spring Break trip to Alexandria, Virginia. Exciting!

O btw, another summer at camp passed...........more quickly than the last time, but I'd almost rate it as better than the first summer in that I knew what I was doing, felt more adequate at my job, and played a bigger role in the fun skits/ counselor activities. It wasn't as fresh and new as last year, but I found myself so comfortable with myself, all the small stuff became routine and I could just enjoy myself, have fun. The only new thing was being bus captain, and I think I did a fairly swell job, other than maybe having to motivate the other bus counselors more. That reminds me, gotta rehearse some of those songs before I lose them again, 1.) Little Bunny Foo Foo, Hopping Through the Forest..........2.) I woke up Sunday morning, I looked upon the wall.......3.) There was a great big moose, he liked to drink a lot of juice.........ahhh fun times.

Heroes. Survivor: China. The Office. Monday Night Raw. Friday Night Lights. Are the shows I am currently watching. Big Brother 8 was pretty exciting this summer with a just absolutely horrific ending for me, at least, in that Dick and Daniele Final 2. Urgghhhhh! Dick coulda been voted out twice by Eric if America just voted him out......I didn't see why he was so popular anyway just based on the show, I'm guessing America voted based on his rocker personality and CBS editing. My chances of being on Big Brother 9? 0.05%, I'd say. Then again, Daniele got on the show somehow before her 21st birthday.......What? Hey, you never know, Big Brother hasn't had Asian representation for a while!

* Btw, the "one droplet of shit" quote was from Gene Hackman in Runaway Jury, a VERY underrated movie that had a bunch of other powerhouse actors and the plot was great. Saw it for the 4th time over the weekend. *Whew. Alright now to the actual stuff. Fantasy sports. This is an awesome time for fantasy. Baseball season just ended, but we got so much stuff happening...........Middle of fantasy football season, just started fantasy hockey, and then in 2 weeks.............FANTASY BASKETBALL! Yum. A moment of silence for the fantasy baseball season. My 4 teams, coincidentally or not, finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Two of them got eliminated in the playoffs in the semifinals in the same week, a very disastrous and depressing week for me where nobody in either lineup could get a hit. It's frustrating how in head-to-head you can have a great regular season, put up sick numbers, and none of it matters when playing a one-week loser-go-home system. Ehh. I had an AWESOME fantasy baseball season though, very enjoyable, and really learned about the art of the game wheras in other seasons I concentrated more on basketball or football. Favorite players this year: Manny Corpas, Shane Victorino, Rafael Soriano, Carlos Zambrano ( although he was a huge headache), Carlos Beltran, and Garret Atkins. Those players helped me tremendously. The huge Jimmy Rollins + Adam Dunn for Carl Crawford and Carlos Zambrano deal at the beginning of the year that I made, well you can see that it didn't work out too well for me. I didn't get suckered, but it didn't have a net benefit for me. I did trade Crawford for Beltran and both did pretty good for me, first-rate stuff, but Carlos was erratic while Rollins broke out into a superstar this year and Adam belted 40.

I'll get to basketball soon. And I'll let you know who I'm drafting. But football this year, I have 3 Antonio Gates's. ( Meaning I have him in all 3 of my leagues.) Wow. So far it's worked out alrigth, but w/ the WR pushes in the league, I'm almost regretting tripling up on him so ferociously, especially when T.O., Moss, and some other guys were available at those positions. I did get Plax Buress in 2 leagues though, so that made up for it as he leads the league in Rec Td's w/ 8. EIGHT! I recently traded Willie parker for Larry Johnson and I liked the deal because first I'm a big fan of getting players who were drafted earlier than the other player, but Larry showed signs of improvement vs. CIN and KC has shown they're not THAT bad. They have an outside shot at winning their division, and KC winning = more LJ running. That's good. I say torry holt still gets his numbers by the end of the year. Big game owners, stay put. Anquan and Fitzgerald owners, you might wanna be careful. Arizona's down to Tim Rattay as their QB. I'd say if you have both dump at least one. I'm thinking Hines Ward comes back healthy this week and finishes year strong, him and Big Ben lead Pitt to division. I think Rudi Johnson might be done. Those with him or Travis Henry, dump for value ASAP!

Alright that's it for now. More good stuff comin your way soon, especially fantasy-wise cuz I know y'all rely on this blog for support. Haha. Who am I kidding.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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