Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hot dawgs in late october

Hey y'all-

It's your favorite fantasy football commish/ afficianado/guru/nerd talking to you again. It's been a hectic week filled w/ 2 exams, 2 three-hour movie screenings ( mandatory), one paper due, and basically lots of work. I also had to run by all my LOR professors a 2nd time, which i felt bad about doing. I did squeeze in , however, 2 pretty good games of volleyball. Volleyball and I have really just found each other, i wish I would have plaeyd the sport earlier, I hate to brag but i feel like if i started freshman year of high school I woulda been a stud senior year. Coulda cut down on some of that useless busywork called homework and did me some digs, pancakes, slide attacks, and back-row hitting.

I tallied it up and basically from now until next monday or something I have 18 distinct things to do. Urgh. It just keeps going. I got law school apps to worry about, people!

Anyway, the topic of my post was hot dawgs tonight w/ my Alternative Spring Break group, a.k.a. ASB. We're going on a volunteer trip in January to Alexandria, Virginia to work with disadvantaged youths. Before we go, however, we need to fundraise a bunch of money, and tonight we're cooking hot dogs and giving it to people who "donate" to the fundraiser! Yippee!
All this on Oct. 25th. It's gonna be cold tonight. Hope not too cold.

I was trying to make a transition from hot dogs in cold weather to tailgating before football games to fantasy football, but eh. Whatever. I guess I just made the transition. Are you thinking about fantasy football now? See?

There are a lot of players I'm just sick of right now in fantasy football. They're just despicable. Atrocious. I feel embarrassed just owning them in fantasy leagues. Case in point: Shaun Alexander, or as the Yahoo! sports fantasy home page lists, "Shaun of the Dead." I think it's a great analogy in that he's like a zombie. He's not hurt or sidelined so that I can put in another player, he's just walking along like a zombie, doing mostly nothing and looking like he has dead legs. I almost value a guy who's good when in but hurt a lot higher than a guy who's never hurt but plays poorly.

Rudi Johnson. C'mon man. Kenny Watson had a sick game last week vs. Jets. That coulda been you.

Moss: I'm still upset that you waited until this year to have your breakout year. Sure, you have brady throwing to you now, but u DEFINITELY did not try that hard last year.

Kitna: What happened to you? No TD's the last 2 games? You better show me something, boy, or I'm benching you and benching you hard.

Travis Henry: Father to many illegitimates, using banned substances, and now bruised ribs? Too many story update lines, not enough box score lines.

Gotta improve this week. One of the 18 things I gotta do before monday: Win.

-Fantasize on, Robert yan

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