Thursday, April 11, 2024

Mohawk (莫霍克/ 鸡冠头, モヒカン刈り, 모히칸)

 Truly one of my biggest regrets of my first 37 years of life is that I didn't try out some crazy hairstyle for just a week or so and take some pictures. I've always had the same boring hairstyle, part of a boring lifestyle that was instilled in me by my genes, personality, my parents' way of raising me, and especially my grandfather. My grandfather would be like the opposite of a mohawk: don't stand out, do the same thing over and over every day, no changes in routine, go to sleep at the same time every day, get the same haircut every time. It's the Asian way: there's a reason you don't see any Asian people with Mohawks, in fact I don't see a really good translation or one set one in Chinese, some online called it a "鸡冠头" or like a cockscomb, which is kind of a good description of a mohawk. 

I actually thought about shaving my hair bald at one time in my life just to see what it would look like, but the problem for me is that my head is shaped weird enough as it is, I don't really want to draw even more attention to it as it is, and I also look awkward in a hat (I've tried it) so there's really no covering it up if something went awry. The reason mohawk came to mind is there's a dynamic duo of former Jeopardy contestants TJ Tallie and Dave Rapp calling themselves the "Brohawks" that run their own Youtube channel now, and I wonder if I should try to go after that look to get on TV. It would be inauthentic and untrue to my actual personality, but if I've learned anything about TV over the years it's that no matter how much people tell you "just be yourself" which works for like job interviews or meeting your father-in-law, it doesn't work for TV, TV you need to be an exaggerated version of yourself with emotive facial expressions, flashy clothing, things that set you apart from the crowd, especially if you're not naturally attractive or have something physically distinctive about you. That's just how the TV game works, even an "intellectual" show like Jeopardy, they exist to entertain, and something about a mohawk definitely helps with that, even if you're the most acadmeic, nonexpressive, emotionless, monotonous-voice sounding person, if you show up with a mohawk on national TV, people will pay attention, and you'll be memorable. It's that simple, and I wouldn't have remembered the "Brohawks" as contestants if they didn't have a mohawk. 

So yea I gotta get something like a mohawk, if not just outright stealing their idea. Groovy looking glasses is a new trend in Jeopardy, but I'm not sure it works for me, I'd just revert back to my nerdy ways (nerdy, overweight, and wearing glasses is probably the worst combination for a middle school child to have in middle school through high school, for the record, and probably contributed to my lack of self-esteem, and almost all of my social problems and inability to be confident about anything). I'm not doing earrings, flashing gang signs, or any other blatantly obvious trick, so it might just have to be my hair. Hmmm. 

But not just for Jeopardy purposes, I do wish I had gone through a phase, maybe like a year or two, of just a completely different lifestyle: off the grid, living in the wild, being a completely different person with different interests and different looks, than what I do now. It would have really divided up my life from the monotony, but then again if I did that I wouldn't be who I am today, I may have just transformed into that person, instead of Robert I would be "Bobby the Goblin" or some surfing name or Mr. Yanagi if I had moved to Japan for a year and just lived there. I could have taken chances when I was younger, fallen flat on my face and then gotten back up again. Now it's a little too late to do all those things I thought I might want to do that I can't think of now because honestly, I probably didn't want to do them all that badly and probably would have given it up pretty quickly and thought it a waste of time. But I still have time to pull off one mohawk........

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