Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sports Fans Superstitions

Around this time of year, or really any time, because there are sports seasons ending at any time of the year, fans engage in superstitions “to help their team win.” I don’t really believe in it, and I’ve really never seen any confirmation that it works, but alas, people engage in them. At some point it isn’t just blind faith of carrying on an effective method anymore, it’s just fun to engage in a practice that you think might help the team but more importantly shows to others that you believe in something.

It’s also indicative of what things (or sporting teams) you really care about when you perform these superstitions, a sort of sign that says, “I care about my team so much that I’m willing to go to these lengths to help them win.” For me, that’s my fantasy team, and sometimes my dodgeball teams.


Superstitions I engage in:

1.)    Keeping a beard for the entire playoff season/ not shaving. This, of course, can be damaging to one’s job status, and I always defer to my livelihood first.

2.)    Eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day. Well, actually, this is because I try to go on diets/ am cheap sometimes.

3.)    Try not to step on cracks in the sidewalk. It just feels weird. And it’s easily avoidable.

4.)    I haven’t done this before, but I’m gonna stop dropping fantasy players (baseball or football) while they’re still in the game as this leads to bad karma/ doing even worse. (Usually I do this out of spite because I  am so disgusted with that player’s performance, usually a pitcher who is just getting destroyed miserably).

5.)    Following the same routine when on a hot streak. If things are going well, I do believe in repeating the same process, not letting things get out of whack. Even the slightest things can mess with one’s mojo, like eating something too spicy, waking up at the right time, etc.

6.)    Not turning off a game until it’s over

7.)    Not watching a game. The flip side to No. 6, when good things are happening when I’m not watching a game, I try to do that. It’s really selective memory, I admit.

8.)    Wearing the shirt/ jersey of the team that you’re rooting for. Feels like you’re “part of the team.”


Superstitions totally not true:

1.      Crows/Blackbirds cawing means bad luck. I would probably have bad luck every day of my life because these guys literally live outside of my house, can’t avoid them.

2.      Walking under ladders- tempted fate and fate didn’t punish me.

3.      Crossing paths with a black cat-

4.      The number 13- I select this number without thinking every time, whether it’s working on the 13th floor, picking numbers out of a hat, etc. Not a big deal.

Weirdest superstitions I’ve ever heard of:

1.)    Wearing the same pair of socks over and over again – doesn’t that just get smelly?

2.)    Seeing Josh Reddick literally rubbing other players’ beards for good luck ( 2 guys at the same time, Stephen Vogt and Eric Sogard, I believe). Kind of weird, really.


Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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