Friday, September 5, 2014

Life Evaluation

Today I introduce a very simple concept: Life Evaluation, a performance evaluation for one’s life……….after one’s life ends! Putting aside all of the different religious beliefs out there, and thoughts about afterlife or whatnot, I always hope that one day, right after my life ends, my soul (or spirit, or consciousness, or whatever), gets pulled into the proverbial “film room” and some sort of old football-coach type entity just goes over everything I’ve done in my life and evaluates. Particularly interesting for me is “what I should have done” in certain situations and how those things would have turned out had I chosen that path. For example, what if I had gone to law school in St. Louis instead of L.A., what if I had decided to take that job in a different city, what if I had summoned the confidence needed to ask a certain girl out. The Life Evaluation coach would then show all the footage of what actually occurred, and you can see what went wrong.

Of course, it wouldn’t be all negative. There was that time you selected Shaun Alexander in drafts instead of Edgerrin James…win! There was that time you resisted temptation and turned down drugs, and (hopefully numerous) times when you actually gave time/money to charity instead of pursuing your own selfish desires.

I guess I’m just overwhelmed by all the choices in one’s life and the “What if?” scenarios. For me, fantasy baseball presents me with tons of decisions, but I get a pretty clear evaluation of how I did by, say, the end of the season. But in life, making decisions does not give such clear-cut answers, and often the questions/ results we want to ask/know the most are the ones that can cost the most. I envy those people with “no regrets” because they take the path that they most want to take all the time and don’t look back……I don’t do that because I’m often worried about the consequences/ am always thinking about alternatives. It’s a tough game to play, and often you don’t even know if you’re winning or losing. I just hope there’s a Life Evaluation at the end where I can find out.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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