Sunday, December 4, 2011

Enjoying Milestones

Oftentimes we accomplish a lot of things without even stopping to acknowledge it. Yesterday I was sworn into the California Bar; I am officially an attorney. I am now commemorating this momentous event in my blog. Congratulations, Robert. You made it. ( Actually this particular event I celebrated pretty well; USC Law did us right by hosting a Bar Admissions Ceremony in the Town & Gown with drinks and appetizers, I took full advantage. That, coupled with an epic Vegas trip 2 weeks ago after finding out I had passed, and I think I sufficiently celebrated this bar admissions phase.)

All tooting my own horn aside, I think it is really important to remember these events. Looking back on big positive things in my life, I didn't celebrate enough; I didn't let myself enjoy it. We work extremely diligently to meet our goals and achieve milestones; we gotta stop to savor it a little bit before we move on to the next big goal. Life moves so fast; if you didn't stop to take a mental/spiritual snapshot of something happen, you won't be able to go back and retrieve those moments later.

Suggestions on how to "take a mental snapshot of momentous occasions:"

1.) Buy a cake. Everyone always remembers cake; especially if you write "Happy Graduation!" or something on it.
2.) Go somewhere new to celebrate. Chances our you'll remember the place you went to, and then why you went there, in that order.
3.) Actual "snapshots" - obviously pictures are the best ways. Duh. But that's the simple route to go.
4.) Post it in your blog so you can go back later and see how you felt at the time.
5.) Splurge on things you want; spend lots of money. On second thought, you probably don't want to do this.

Example of how NOT to celebrate a momentous occasion:

On the night of our law school graduation, my family and I went out for dinner to celebrate, etc., and I was so worried about the pending bar exam preparation and the unexciting job prospects I would have after the bar that I was absolutely miserable. Complained about how law school was a waste of time and actually set me back to my whole family and kind of ruined the whole dinner. O and did I mention this was like 3 days after my 24th birthday? Yea not a way to commemorate either occasion. Those were the dark days.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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