Monday, December 12, 2011

Red Zone Channel

Introducing the greatest invention known to Fantasy Footballers....the Red Zone channel. Making this one of the better days I've had all year.

1. Wake up, don't have to go to work.
2. Great breakfast
3. Check ( another great invention for fantasy footballers)
4. Drive through Malibu Canyon (one of the greatest drives in the world, got the Pacific Ocean, PCH Highway, million-dollar homes along the PCH, the breeze, Christmas lights, etc., etc.... really starting to like L.A.)
5. Watch the Red Zone channel, which boots up at 10:00AM in the morning on the West Coast. Great stuff.
6. And they don't always have to be in the red zone!!!!! amazing!!!!
7. Great noon matchups this week team with some great teams (usually you get mostly below-.500 teams, rebuilding teams, teams out of wild-card conetention, etc.) but with Seattle v. St. Louis being the Monday night matchup, we have the Division-leading Texans, the Division-leading Patroits, the Division-leading Saints, the up-and-coming Bengals....
8. Constant updates as to what other games are doing........don't miss a big play, ever.

Some highlights of "Watching the game" with fantasy football freinds:

Red Zone channel, otherwise known as, "Just get to the good stuff."

Andrew Siciliano, VERRY underrated talent in the sports broadcasting industry.

I'm sitting on the bye, watching other guys in my league sweating it Jets fan doing a nice "Hulk Hogan" imitation every time one of his players scores points. And they've scored A LOT of points.......Mark Sanchez with 3 TD's, Percy Harvin, Ray Rice, etc., of the few joys in life

Guy in my league proclaims, "It is over." at 12:48PM Sunday afternoon in a key playoff matchup.

Guy in the league who has Gronkowski, other guy sitting across from him who has Welker, simultaneously begging Tom to throw it to one of their guys....both guys have been satisfied as on this day, Tom routinely dissects the Redskins D. When Tom throws over the middle to Welker, the Welker owner leaps up, starts doing "holster the gun" motions in between shouts of "yea!!!" It's great. Gotta learn some awesome Fantasy football-TD celebrations.

Dan Orlovsky is really bad.

The best thing about Rex Grossman, you know what to expect: he does well against the bad defenses (New England today) and HORRIBLE against the good defenses.

The "Watch who you're with" warning: I mutter under my breath, "wonder who picked up Keiland Williams" and go to my computer. Guy in my league who's watching football with me picks up Williams that very second as I log on. Well played, sir. Well played. Note to self: Never do that again.

Burgers on the grill, the epitome of watching football on Sundays.

Lot of great games and great finishes today, Andrew Siciliano DOING WORK flipping through the channels. Very distinct voice.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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