Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Last 10 Years--- Best Things

Sneaking in a post under the gun to at least tie my 2010 rate of posts, I offer this little number at almost literally the last minute:

Here's to an excellent 2012 for everyone! (I'll be at the Rose Parade on Jan. 2nd!!! Yay!)

Collection of random milestones I appreciate from the last 10 years:

2001: visited China for the first time since leaving; "graduated" junior high and started high school...
2002: Started long string of chess victories; joined tennis
2003: discovered reality TV: Amazing Race, Survivor +....first fantasy football season ever
2004: JSA Summer at Stanford. Best finish in chess ever. SAT. Applied to Colleges
2005: Poker craze; last semester of high school awesome; Prom + WWE
2006: first summer as summer camp counselor; discovered beauty of college + trip to Germany and Poland
2007: First alternative spring break ever; Friday Night Lights + Heroes; wins class stock market game
2008: First fandom-inspired viewing of Spelling Bee; moved permanently to LA for law school
2009: First legal job(s); Laser Eye surgery; first 10K run;
2010: Chinese document review; serious working out; Chinese language intense review
2011: Graduated law school, passed the bar; first legal job; starting my career!!!!


You know when you're really dreading doing something and are fearful of it, like going to the dentist? (Yea, those turn out to be as excruciating as I expected).....but here are the biggest surprises in my life that inspire me to keep trying new things in 2012 (and why you should, too)

10.) Keeping in contact with friends.... underrated skill you gotta keep udpdated with.
9.) Living at home even in my early-20's: lots of percs, but can't do it forever.
8.) Investing in the stock market...It developed my financial sense.
7.) (Re-) hitting the books for Mandarin's a really important skill.
6.) Meyer Law Organization: So far, surprisingly having a great time at my work.
5.) Living in L.A.: this place is really awesome.
4.) Working out/staying fit: haven't been sick in 4 years, probably because of my active lifestyle.
3.) Alternative Spring Break: Thought it was a nice way to spend a week, it's so much more. I wish I would have done two times, three times more of these great trips.
2.) Fantasy sports!!!! Never thought this game/sport/obsession would captivate my life as much as it had when I tried it by suggestion of a distant friend in 2002, about 10 years ago. I LOVE this game!!!!
1.) This blog!!! Never thought in 2007 I'd still be posting, and posting more prolifically, almost 5 years to the day. I think when I get old this will be one of my most prized possession. Thanks, past self, for starting this!!!!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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