Thursday, November 25, 2010

Guru's Gradually Improving Guesses - Week 11

After having conquered Brother Mouzone for the 2nd straight week in 10, the Brother claims "We can build on this." Well, there's no way he can beat me if I go 16-0, so here are YOUR NFL point-spread winners for the week:

O, but first, more "general lessons" I'm learning:

1. Chargers make 2nd-half runs.
2. Don't bet on Carolina
3. Teams coming off byes cover A LOT (see Chargers, Packers, Saints from last week)......since there's no more byes to speak of this season, I'll have to archive it for next year.

Again, picks that I differ from Brother are in red. (i.e., the incorrect picks Brother makes that I capitalize on)

1.) Lions +6.5 v. Patriots. Went back and forth on this......Lions are a neat little team.....they've covered a lot for me and Shaun Hill is a keep-you-in-it QB a la Ryan Fitzpatrick. And look at Detroit's home games this year......covered against Philly and NYJ, beat St. Louis and Washington outright.... the definition of a "home dog"..... or in this case, "home cat." Let's just not have Ndamokang Suh kick any more PAT's, shall we?

2.) Saints -3.5 @ Dallas. OK, everyone, let's calm all this talk about the Cowboys running the table and making the playoffs, OK? I see this game as Drew Brees v. Jon Kitna.

3.) NYJ -9 v. Cincinatti: I've been pretty dead-on about the Bengals all year......didn't think they were good, thought they would give one last effort against Steelers (almost won), and thought they'd lay down against the Bills. This week, I'm sticking the fork in the voodoo doll. You can go back to Thanksgiving desserts early this year: Jets win big by halftime.

4.) Washington -1 v. Minnesota: So........Minnesota's supposedly the better team here? This would be my lock of the week if I didn't want to curse myself. Do people just NOT learn to bet against the Vikings? Holy moly.

5.) Pittsburgh -6.5 at Buffalo: The Steelers must make a run to get a first-round bye and they know it. Can't be fooling around now..... Brother had the right idea about the Bills. For the same reason they shouldn't have won 2 games in a row, they CAN'T win 3 games in a row.

6.) Tennessee +6.5 at Houston: Kind of overstating the loss of Vince Young, aren't we? Last I checked, Titans still have Chris Johnson and a respectable D.......they still realistically can win, and like an extra seat cushion, I'll sit comfortably on an extra 6.5 points to say I'm right.

7.) NYG -7 v. Jacksonville: Something about the Jaguars just screams: "We've set expectations mighty high but we're about to collapse!!!" Giants are PISSED after 2 straight losses.

8.) Cleveland -10 v. Carolina: Peyton Hillis. How did I not just grab this guy after Week 2 and hold on for dear life? ech. Also see Rule #1 of my the Guru's Life Lessons: 1. Don't bet on Carolina.

9.) Tampa Bay +7.5 at Baltimore. Every week when I come to picking the B-more game, a feeling of dread comes over. I'm 1-4 in their games. Could the Ravens POSSIBLY be looking ahead to a titanic showdown in Week 13 v. the Steelers???? If you need moral support in this game, Josh Freeman, I know it's hard....give the Guru a call.

10.) Philadelphia -3.5 at Chicago: I remember several games that the Bears gave Mike Vick fits pre-prison. But privately, deep down in a place I keep very secret, I think the Eagles are the best team in the NFL. Shhhhhh.

11.) Atlanta -2 v. Green Bay. Huh? Atlanta is better than than GB.....and they're only getting home? I've learned my lessons about good teams going into ATL.....they don't come out.

12.) Raiders -3 v. Miami: Darren McFadden will stomp all over the Dolphins like he's running on water.

13.) Kansas City -2 at Seattle. If only Seattle played Arizona every week.

14.) St. Louis +4 at Denver: Rams.

15.) Indianapolis -3 v. San Diego. As much as this is going against Life Lesson #2, and as much as I love Phillip Rivers, and how the Chargers are getting people back, and all that, one overwhelming rule trumps all: Do NOT bet against Peyton Manning at night.

16.) Arizona +1 v. San Francisco: This is just........bleh. Can I choose death?

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

1 comment:

Brother Mouzone said...

1) Correction. I picked the Lions who have become my second favorite team. They're like a crippled puppy, young, barely gets by, makes you feel bad, but in then end you just can't put them down.

3)Jets will win but won't cover. I hope next year I still have access to ESPN3 so I can watch Carson Palmer do color commentary for games like Troy State vs. Louisiana Tech.

9)Baltimore will be in the AFC championship game. This will be the biggest beat-down in Baltimore since Michael punched out Kenard for stealing.

11)Green Bay puts up points when they're playing in a dome

12)This is going the be like the "Sixth Sense" for the Raiders. The Raiders realizing they've actually sucked this entire time is going to be like Bruce Willis realizing he's dead. "I see dumb people....picking Oakland."

The rest of the games are just too depressing to write about.