Monday, November 22, 2010

Multi-Tasking: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Excited cuz today went well: Went up to Baldwin Hill Scenic Overlook in Culver City (I know, sounds very mundane), but spectacular view of the whole city up there, and you won't kill yourself trekking up there.

Come home, see that Greg Jennings has gone OFF for 7 Rec, 152 yards, and 3 TD's against the team that I have told you REPEATEDLY to bet against. That +3 they got against the Packers didn't look too good anymore after the 34-3 greasefire, did it? Anyway, beat an archrival in a game both of us needed to have and backed up my incessant smack talk (always feels better when you can back it up).

10-5 in picks this week with one game to go, and have edged out the "I feel confident this week about my picks" Brother Mouzone. Was really looking pretty bad around noon PT, but I SWEPT through the afternoon games PLUS Sunday night. Awesome feeling, getting that hot streak. (Brother might have a legit beef about Indy always BARELY covering despite losing close games, but hey, that IS the power of Peyton Manning.... you're never out of it. And really, the Colts were driving and could have scored, or Vinateri woulda kicked a FG to force OT, where the Colts woulda had major momentum........I deserved the cover).

The Walking Dead on AMC is a GREAT show. Absolute insanity in the last 5 minutes of tonight's episode. Whew - yee.

Witnessed another instance of Pickup Basketball Personality #5 tonight at Lyon Center gym: Guy playing with agenda. 3-on-3 pickup game, the "leader" of the other team seemed to really need a win badly, whether he'd just broken up with his gf, lost money picking NFL football games (which he wouldn't have if he followed my picks, btw), who knows, but he was cursing profusely and getting genuinely angry at losing, as evidenced by his aggressive play (he fouled me a LOT). The fact that the 3 on his team were all whites and the 3 on our side were under 5'9'' Asian guys was not lost on me; I'm just hypothesizing here: he thought he could beat us. And he did NOT. We dominated him in both pickup games ( by one's to 11) and there was no doubt who was the better team. Again, disclaimer needed: I'm not a racist, but it feels better to stick it to people who think they're better than you just because you look a certain way.

I bet Joakim Noah sympathesizes with me. (See last November's article, "Why I love Joakim Noah").

Anyway, this post is all about multi-tasking. For those who know me, I am very pushy about wasting time. As in, I HATE wasting time. I have a set schedule for the day and I don't like changing it for trivial pursuits. I try very hard not to waste other people's time; I would appreciate if they don't waste mine. When I'm by myself, therefore, I try to get things done as efficiently as possible, and sometimes that entails muti-tasking. Multi-tasking, the practice of performing multiple tasks simultaneously (at the same time), can be really good, if you have the right combo of things to do. Some things, though, are like oil and water: they don't mix.

1. Writing material for one's blog while watching sports: GOOD IDEA! I do it all the time, and it works really well when you're writing about sports as you're watching.....gets your instant reaction.

2. Eating while driving in the car: BAD IDEA!!!! Actually, this really should be illegal. I admit, I've been guilty of it. It totally impairs your driving, you have to drive with one hand, you have to look down if you spilled something, and don't forget the drink that you have to switch hands for to wash it down with. Don't do this. Alternative: schedule lunch with a good friend/ network with somebody. Driving's already dangerous enough as it is.

3. Catching a football/basketball while trying to run with it: BAD IDEA!!!! This drives me nuts. Secure the ball first, (have one in the hand) before you try to go for something more (2 in the hand). Especially PAID, PROFESSIONAL athletes: fundamental football/basketball,'re taught this as a kid. Learn it.

4. Listening to music while studying for a class: DEPENDS. I think it's a bad idea cuz I can't concentrate when something else is going on.....I'm trained to eavesdrop. I dunno, maybe it depends on the type of music.

5. Running while listening to music: GOOD IDEA!!!! For some reason I find that I have more endurance while listening to music, probably cuz I block everything else out and just go, and time goes by faster.

6. Going on the internet while taking notes in class: The good-student answer is BAD IDEA, but honestly, it's generally a GOOD IDEA. Caveat: if the professor's not reading straight out of his notes and you have to copy everything down. In a 2-hour class, it is difficult to pay attention to EVERYTHING a professor says, so you have to take some mental breaks. The key is not to take too long of a mental break, or too many. Have selective hearing: When the professor goes on a tangent, look how your fantasy team did this weekend. When prof gets back on track, come back in. When the kid in the front row asks a completely arbitrary quesiton with no chance of being on the test, go see who you can pick up from the waiver wire, propose a few trades. When the prof. has thoroughly dashed Question Guy's hopes of being Ace Brownnoser of the Year, click out and get back to note-taking. THAT's multi-tasking at its finest.

7. Checking your blackberry while waiting in line to get Chipotle (I'm having a big Chipotle weekend for some reason): GOOD IDEA. Probably the top reason to have a smartphone. Alternate course if standing next to attractive single member of the opposite sex in line... that's when you suddenly get all clumsy and "bump into people accidentially."

8. Going to law school while working part-time: Probably the best of both worlds, the ideal situation. GREAT IDEA!!! Earn money to pay for future higher (expected) wages....utilize the not-as-hectic law school schedule by working part-time, both expanding your career contacts, establishing more on your resume, and sustaining your financial situation (not suggested during 1L year, in fact, not allowed at most institutions, I believe).

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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