Sunday, October 10, 2010

Working Out and finding the motivation to do it

So far, like 6-6 in my NFL picks against the spread. Basically the same result if I had flipped a coin on all the games. Sigh. That's the nature of picking games. Here's some stuff I observed while holding my breath since 10AM this moring and getting a gambling fix without actually gambling:

The bet can be decided within the first 10 minutes. The Bears come out of the gate with a 14-0 lead thanks to two long runs by Matt Forte through giantic orifices in the Panthers D. Bet's over at 10:10AM; Bears go on to win big.

I know close to nothing about certain teams and shouldn't bet ANYTHING on them, like the Bills at home getting beat by a Jaguars squad. That's the definition of "blindly throwing a dart."

There's a lot of ups-and-downs on gambling, even if you're not betting money. It's a roller-coaster ride, especially since most games don't end up in a push; it's easier lose your whole bet or win your whole bet; a lot of times one play can decide it. Gotta have the stomach for it. Whatever the case, sports betting is NOT a good idea and has a negative expected rate of return. (Due to the juice). Stick with investing your money in stocks.

I've never been a big workout guy, and have only started really doing weights in 2010. So definitely no expert, not even someone who should be guiding others, but here's some things I've noticed:

1.) Do NOT work out on an empty stomach. You say "duh," but you gotta really time it: If you start getting really hungry during a workout, you lose all motivation and just wanna go fill your stomach.

2.) Do NOT work out on a really full stomach: Like right after lunch, for example. The ideal time, in my opinion, is between 2 hours- 4 hours after lunch. That's when your meals have really digested, and they've broken down into kinetic energy.

3.) Eat a banana before doing any exercise/ physical activity. I might have mentioned this before; perfect shot in the arm, I call it my "all-natural energy bar."

4.) Start slllooooooooowwwwww. No hernias, people.

5.) In order to keep yourself motivated for working out, reward yourself after each workout. Get a smoothie or something; your body subconsciously will want to do it the next day.....and the next day......and the next day.

6.) find a TV to work out in front of......catch up on Sportscenter, baseball playoffs, whatever, so you don't feel like you're "wasting" your time. Eh, maybe only I feel this way......I like to multi-task and get 2 jobs done at one time.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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