Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 4 NFL coverage + Is Fantasy Sports Bad

A law school friend of mine (who reads this blog periodically, we'll call him "Anton") has a beef with Fantasy Sports. This is what he sounds like

" Man, I don't like get why people like dilutes the game so much, you become disloyal. Wahhhhhhhhh........"

Ok, so that last part was embellished. But does "Anton" have a valid point? Is fantasy

Let's address the criticisms of fantasy:

1.) It takes away from your fanhood of a real team: This is, for me, actually pretty true. I used to be a somewhat diehard Chicago sports fan, all Cubs all the time, all Bears all the time, etc. No longer. Fantasy has made me expand my horizons and care about other teams and their players, absorb more likes and dislikes, check the out-of-town scoreboard, go online. Honestly, sometimes after my fantasy players have been pulled, I don't even pay attention to the final score anymore.

Rebuttal: HOWEVER, What you can do with your fantasy team is draft a bunch of guys on your own team: That way, when your actual team wins, your fantasy team wins as well. That's very much a homer play, and it can really backfire in your face if the team loses, but it's one way to keep interest in both your teams. (I've never done this, but you def. can).

2.) The other argument against fantasy is: "Stats, per se, do not necessarily reflect the value of players.

Most of the time, the best players are pretty close to the top. NBA Top fantasy players: Kevin Durant, LeBron, CP3, Kobe, Dirk. Sounds pretty close, right?

NFL: Chris Johnson, Adrian Peterson, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Ray Rice.......still looking pretty good?

MLB: Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez, Hanley Ramirez, Evan Longoria, Robinson Cano.................Yea, I'd say it's pretty close.

3.) Fantasy is too addicting, you have to spend too much time on it.
Response: Well, yea, that's why I play it. And it's more convenient: Don't have to go to the actual game, get a TV subscription, wear the fan gear, get autographs, etc. Fantasy? Free. And you can spend time at work or school checking your teams.......(I mean, theoretically.......)

I think I'll revisit that topic soon if "Anton" ever responds with new concerns.

NFL Week 4 Fantasy analysis:

1.) Michael "Craptree" Crabtree hyped as a buy-low sleeper all this week.....Went for 5 catches and 58 yards. Not buying's still Alex "Normal-Sized hands" Smith throwing him the ball.......C'mon.

2.) Urg....... L.T., you're KILLING me, man......133 yards, 2 TD's adding to a renaissance season...... the first season in the last 4 I haven't owned him.

3.) Willis "What you talkin' about" McGahee got more touches than Ray "I'll be just as legendary as Jerry" Rice in Baltimore's 17-14 win over Steelers: I think it was just a case of resting Rice against a Steelers D that can eat proverbially eat you alive.

4.) No telling who on the Saints is Drew Brees's favorite's definitely not Marques "that's what you get when you draft someone from Hofstra" Colston, that's for sure.

5.) Kyle "I will make the Bears pay for trading me for Cutler" Orton goes for 341 yards and 2 TD's against a pretty good Titans D. He's not missing Brendan Marshall and is looking good as your QB for the rest of the year, fellas.

6.) Terrell "I'm Baaaaaack...."""" Owens for 10 Recs, 222 yards......uh, lol, ok I might have written you off a bit soon. But I still hate you. Bleh.

7.)Pick up Brandon "isn't he a character from the Harry Potter series?" Pettigrew from the Lions. 8 catches to day to add to totals of 6 and 7 the last 2 weeks. Shaun "Not the Washington Nationals pitcher" Hill not looking too bad, as Megatron owners can attest to (86 yards, 2 TD's today)

8.) Never understood people's fascination with Steven "I look even bigger in real life" Jackson, but I think the relationship's gotta be severed. Don't drag it out like the McCourts divorce, just make a clean break.......Never draft again. O, but the Rams beat the Seahawks 20-3. Will the Rams win the NFC West??????

9.) Jacksonville somehow containing Peyton Manning& Crew, limiting to 14 points........what's going on? Jags DO always play the Colts tough. Not good for Dallas "Clark (little kid whispering" Clark or my other go-to guy, Austin "No.1 receiver in all of fantasy after 3 weeks" Collie.

10.) Why in the world did I NOT draft Antonio "MY BOY" Gates this year? Inexplicable. He's scored a TD every game so far and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future........Ahhhhhhh.......

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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