Monday, November 13, 2017

Genius ( 지니어스)

Is there a scientific definition for who qualifies as a genius? Apparently there is a designated IQ score for someone to be a genius, but there could be so many different variations of who qualifies as a genius. For instance, I think I am a dodgeball "genius" due to my vast knowledge of the sport and the way the game works and have constantly studied strategies and techniques. Others may say genius is being able to adapt to different situations and be able to react accordingly in any situation appropriately, or a genius can be someone who has a broad array of knowledge in a wide array of disciplines.

Recently I became addicted to a Korean show called "The Genius," what I like to describe as a cross between a Korean game show and survivor. 13 contestants try to win games every week that challenge one's social abilities as well as thinking abilities, putting contestants through new games each week that require unique ways to solve the puzzle. The games are not that "hard," per se, and the host gives a great detailed explanation of the rules, it's just applying it is hard given so many different variables. I love it. It's a lot like party games I used to relish in college like "Mafia" or "Catchphrase," mind-bending activities that I got as much of a high from as others who chose to use recreational drugs like alcohol or marijuana. It's really sad, in my opinion, that the golden college years is wasted by so many (in the U.S. at least) on drinking, fraternities, drunken parties, and other debaucherous behavior that doesn't use up much brain cells. Indeed, 18, the time when young people are at the absolute apex of their mental abilities and the absolute apex of their free time/ lack of responsibilities and work obligations and ability to make their own decisions, is spent pursuing the party life. Sure there's studying for school, but then what better way to use your non-studying time to engage in intellectually challenging activities that are also really fun?

Sorry for the nerdy rant. Do check out "The Genius," though, there are 4 full seasons of the show, unfortunately all in Korean (there are subtitles though!) but a nice peek into Korean culture and different social interactions and balances, such as the Yutnori game that is apparently ubiquitous in Korea, or the amount of respect "hobae" (disciple) have for their senior (songbae), or in Japanese, senpai. It's just a really smart show for smart people. like humans on a chessboard or watching a really skillful game of "Mafia" being played. Or just go watch the new Marvel comics movie (the most recent one Thor:Ragnorak is apparently very good and let your mind go to waste. I feel like one of my passion projects if I ever make gobs of money (like $10 million +) would be to create an American version of The Genius (either that or The Mole), that's 2nd only to my No. 1 passion project of creating my own dodgeball association. All I need now is to get those millions of dollars first!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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