Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lunch options

Here in downtown Los Angeles, especially the heart of the financial district like the U.S. Bank Tower building, there are a lot of choices for lunch. There’s really no need to bring a 弁当, or packed lunch in Japanese. The selections are seemingly endless and is really all dependent on what you feel like eating and what you want to pay for it. There are places where you have to play a premium for name value, there are hidden “sleeper” hole-in-the wall places, there are ethnic foods for specific tastes like Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Thai, Italian food, and then there’s some prime attraction, fancy sit-down places like Morton’s Steakhouse. There’s also Panda Express and Jimmy Johnson’s, 2 not-great but available and convenient options that are great in a pinch.


Yes, as soon as you heard “sleeper” in that last paragraph you should have realized I was going to relate my dining options to fantasy football. There are 32 teams in the NFL, and a lot of fantasy implications going on in every one.


1.)  Jerome McKinnon is like the shrimp/kalamari/pineapple exotic option that everyone gets excited about, but Matt Asiata is the bread and butter that everyone eats more of. A lot of buzz this week about McKinnon now being the starter, but Asiata’s the better possession runner and blocker, so he’ll get the touches (if) and when the Vikings are leading. It’s really just a guessing game when they’ll be leading (Asiata’s turn) v. McKinnon.

2.)  Aaron Rodgers- the prime rib at the best steakhouse in the city. You’ll pay a lot for it, but you know it’s gonna be good. But is it really that much better than the middle-tier burger joint like Eli Manning or Tony Romo down the road?

3.)  The hottest new restaurant out there is this Ronnie Hillman, everybody’s waiting in line to get him. But the problem with these hot and hip new restaurants (fill-in RB’s), they can disappear/ go out of business pretty quick, aka when Montee Ball comes back.

4.)  Rob Gronkowski is back to doing Rob Gronkowski things. Now if only Tom Brady can do Tom Brady things and deliver him the ball.

5.)  Some very interesting and dynamic (as in, the backup could become a STUD the rest of the season) is the Rams’ 3-headed monster of Zac Stacy, Benny Cunningham, and Tre Mason. Mason could be huge if he ever gets a shot.

6.)  Bishop Sankey’s the 1st round RB (in real life) that’s finally getting a shot.

7.)  In PPR leagues, Darren McFadden could do a lot of work the rest of the season.

8.)  I would rather have Joique Bell OR Reggie bush than a lot of “No. 1 RB’s.” Including Steven Jackson. SJax’s dishes are old  

9.)  Percy Harvin’s value could not be any lower right now, and 2 weeks ago he had three. THREE touchdowns called back. Get.

10.) It’s funny saying that Emmanuel Sanders is a top-10 WR, but he definitely could be with Peyton Manning targeting him and Wes Welker getting phased out.

11.) If only they put a little more salt into their dishes……just a little change could make Keenan Allen back into the beast he was.

12.) What do I think is the best Italian dish in town? I think I would prefer Italian  (WR) than Chinese (RB) because Italian is more reliable (doesn’t get hurt/ make your nose pungent) and doesn’t have to share (family style) with other RB’s. Rather have Jordy Nelson, Demariyus Thomas, Julio Jones, Dez Bryant the rest of the year than Murray, Foster, Forte, Charles, Lynch, or whatever combo of best RB’s others might nominate. RB’s just get hurt more, and it’s a new league: passing dominates.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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