Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rinse and Repeat

2014 has been The Year of Rinse and Repeat for me. Because I’m learning Japanese, I replay certain things over and over again. Old TV shows, old podcast lessons, old books that I’ve looked over but find new things when I reread…….it’s not necessarily a bad thing, because I’m picking up on new things, and reviewing things over and over again is a common method for learning a new language, but it can become SO BORING. We as human being need new things in our lives. We as human beings need new stimulus, things that excite us. Whole industries and commercial enterprises feed off of that, whether it’s new movies, new TV shows, new music, new cars, new phones (do we really need a new version of a phone every 3 months? Seriously). Rinse and Repeat.

But sometimes, consider rewinding and going again. I never get this idiom right, but “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” I know what I’m getting with a TV show or a movie, I know approximately what entertainment value I get out of it, and sometimes, even, I get surprised and see something new that I missed before. For fans of predictability and reliability, that’s golden. For those that need spontaneity and exciting new things (let’s be honest, we all need that once in a while), it’s probably not one’s cup of tea.  

Once I’ve had a food once, it loses some of its appeal. Once I go to a new city or new vacation spot once, I’ve seen it, I don’t really need to go again. Once I’ve done a certain roller coaster ride, I’ve experienced it; repeat session not needed (although, I’m probably more scared of it than anything). Once I’ve heard the same joke six times, it loses some of its humor. The good thing about the world is, there are so many new things out there! You don’t have to rinse and repeat!

Anyway, more about me. In 2014, I’ve often like I’m going through the motions, bored. Part of is because at work I go through the same documents all the time, I take the same path to work every day, I go to dodgeball at least 3 times a week, I visit the same websites, I lift the same amount of weights, I take the same running path all the time. Gotta mix it up, but it’s expensive to mix it up: Taking vacations costs money and time. It’s a delicate balance; I realize that some people follow the same routines for the rest of their lives and don’t really complain about it. That’s not me, though. I think if people could choose to live their life anyway, they would choose to do something different, be somewhere different, almost every day (save some time for being at a nostalgic place or at home, etc.) But always being on the move, feeling alive, adapting to situations, feeling like the leaf in Forrest Gump: that’d be the ultimate thrill for me.

Do you recycle fantasy players? I do. The good thing about fantasy players, they never pitch the same game twice. They’ll look very much the same, they’ll throw with the same hand, they’ll wear the same uniform, they’ll play against the same team, but it’s not the same exact game that they’re pitching/hitting. I find myself going back to the well time and time again for certain players because unlike real baseball and real managing, fantasy baseball is impersonal; you use the numbers, not the players. The players themselves don’t know if they’re playing for your team or not……you’re just predicting what those players do, and the more you know about a player (whether from past experience or not), the better you can predict what they will do. The Jered Weaver theory: I know Max does well at home, I know he doesn’t do so well on the road. Rinse and repeat.


Fantasize on,


Robert Yan

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