Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Music to my Ears

I admit, I have a weakness for Asian pitchers. So when I started half-Chinese Vance “Vanimal” Worley on Monday, I was expecting big things. Vance promptly served up homers to each of the first 2 batters en route to a 5-run first inning, severely damaging my chances of winning ERA and WHIP. He did redeem himself, however, with 8 K’s, but that’s like saying at least ur groceries stayed intact that time you got into a car accident. Geez Louise.

It’s Tuesday and I’ve personally seen my pitchers give up 5 homers already, one each by Jered Weaver, Max Scherzer, and Ryan Vogelsong, and 2 by Vance Worley (all in the first inning!) I really considered benching all my pitchers this week but decided against it. Eh.

At least the Angels are red hot. They’re the best team in the league by any measurement, record-wise, talent-wise, and consensus-wise. Could be a great time to make it to Angels games this September/ October? Maybe?

Music- I am not good at singing. I am not good at karaoke. I am not good at music theory (never understood circle of fifths, A minor, etc. I am not good at remembering lyrics to a song. I am not good at keeping the beat. I am not good at identifying names of songs when they come on the radio. I am OK at playing violin, but definitely still a lot of weaknesses.

It’s not that I don’t like music, I don’t understand how people can’t at least be entertained by the rhythmic beat of a song and the harmonic ensemble of sounds that music is. However, I probably enjoy it less than others do. I’ve never been to a rock concert. I don’t like loud music. I don’t know much about the Eagles or Limp Bizkit or the Insane Clown Posse or Cyndi Lauper or even much about Elvis, really. When I went to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, I walked around and enjoyed myself but wasn’t fascinated or mystified like some were. For me, music is a nice diversion, nice source of entertainment to pass the time or to maybe even get through a difficult period (like sitting through traffic, getting through work, during a workout). I don’t need to specifically go listen to music, taken time out of my day, go out of way, etc., to get it.

I love the concept of a “walk-up music.” I think it signifies that you’ve done something special in your life, that you should be recognized when you come into a game/ give a performance/ do anything.

Headphones are almost as important as one’s phone. A smartphone without headphones seems naked, going through the day without headphones leaves one feeling empty inside, like turkey without gravy. So many things require headphones, like listening to music, taking phone calls in peace (well, this one’s not mandatory but helpful), listening to podcasts, listening to the news, learning a foreign language… especially in today’s age where people don’t really make contact with other humans anymore face to face (aka this vague idea of “talking,” headphones are necessary to catch up on all the social media and whatnot throughout the day). I suggest getting 2, maybe even 3, one for home, one of the office, and one for the car, and keeping them there. Don’t forget to return them to their proper spots if you go for a run with them or lend them out or something!


Music in Japanese is ongaku (音楽). Headphones are ヘッドフォン. Pitchers are tosha (投手). No word on what “pitchers getting shelled in the first inning each one giving up a homer” is, but 大失敗 (daishippai), big failure, pretty much sums up how my fantasy week (and today without headphones) is going.


Fantasize on,


Robert Yan

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