Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Prospects and Busts

Today, Cubs 2nd base prospect Javier Baez gets called up to the major leagues. Yawn. Maybe it’s just me, but every time an exciting Top 100 Prospect gets called up, I lose interest. Maybe it’s because I was never a highly touted prospect, maybe because I never got heavily recruited in high school or was never a star athlete in any sense, but I just think that the “New, Hot, Sexy, Hip” thing is usually overhyped. All of these prospects have risks attached to them, a lot turn out to be busts (just google Top MLB Prospect Busts), and most of them, if they make a significant contribution, will do so later in their careers as a post-hype sleeper, a la Lonnie Chisenhall this year, or Alex Gordon for the Royals.

As for me, I relish being a relative dodgeball unknown who came out of nowhere to be a legitimate dodgeball force. Everyone who starts dodgeball goes through a learning curve, everyone (including myself) sucks their first season, doesn’t matter if you have a the biggest arm ever or the quickest reflexes in the history of mankind. There’s just an adjustment period to figure it out. However, most new people get assessed by the veterans (in order to build teams for the future) and attributes to look for are how big of an arm, how athletic, willingness to catch. Well, I had no ability to throw hard, I don’t look very athletic, but I was willing to catch, probably the least important skill dodgeball “scouts” watch out for. I was not a prospect but panned out. TAKE THAT, Javier Baez!


Prospects for dating also tend to fizzle out. I mean, the biggest pet peeve that I have about online dating is right now is that there’s so much buildup before meeting face to face, so much introduction, “winking,” getting to know one another, making sure the other person isn’t a creeper/loser/fake account, etc., but then the date itself is the big “make-or-break”- if it’s a break, you don’t ever talk to that person ever again, life goes on without them. It makes the buildup seem pointless and futile and a waste of time, and online dating too much work.  It’s really a lot like following a baseball prospect- you scout them through online dating and “draft them” by making the initial contact. When they respond back, you feel great, you feel like there could be something here. They laugh at one of your jokes, equivalent of a home run in Double-AA providing encouragement. Conversations go back and forth for a week, you get to know the person, feel like they’re a real person and not just on online identity/baseball player. Finally the big day comes, the day of the date (the day of the callup), and the first at-bat you’re ready, but within 30 minutes (2 at-bats of groundout, strike out looking) you’re ready to move on to something else. That is the deflating feeling of a prospect bust/ date bust. Get used to it, myself 3 years ago who had different ideas about prospects and way-too idealistic expectations for dating, because it happens ALL THE TIME!


Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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