Friday, March 4, 2011


Justified (dictionary definition): to have shown to have a legally sufficient reason or cause.

A friend of a friend (and coincidentally the only OFFICIAL follower of this blog) recommended that I watch Justified, the FX television show in its second season following Raylan Givens, a blast out of the 1900 cowboy films living in modern-day Kentucky. Yee-ha! So far so good, and my friend was very "justified" in recommending the show......lots of build-up to the action, and then fast, ferocious shooting ensues. O and awkward romantic relationship with an ex-wife: Yikes, Raylan. Give it a shot; although I suspect the 1st season was a little better. The timeline for all multiple-season TV shows goes something like this: Put EVERYTHING into the pilot to attract the most viewers, have great programming and writing in the first season to get it renewed for next season, relax a little bit in 2nd season once the network (hopefully) orders 2 more seasons, have steady but non-original writing for the 2nd season that follows the same tried-and-true formula from season 1, then have acomplete, put-it-together season in season 3.

Da Man wonders if other events and things are justified:

Was Stafon Johnson justified for suing USC because the barbell dropped on his neck, almost fatally injuring him? As a lawyer, I'd say probably not: assumption of the risk and all, and what could the trainers do? NOT have him work out?

Was I justified to spend $120 last year for a yearly subscription of the Wall Street Journal? Absolutely. I gain lots of knowledge and get updated on the news every day. And plenty of good articles on there, like "Hymn of the Tiger Mother."

Does 3 years of law school + passing the bar justify me getting a job within a year? I sure hope so.

Was I justified in cutting off the guy going really slow in the other lane today? Probably not, but anything goes in the jungle that is the L.A. freeway system.

Was Obama justified to pass financial reform in light of the unscrupulous practices by the large private equity firms and investment firms in 2009? Most likely. Been reading "The Promise: President Obama, Year One," and the fat cats on Wall Street had far overreached their bounds, the ordinary citizens of the country were in an outrage over large executive bonuses, and Obama had to show he was tough on was correct politically and business-wise: give a little, get a little. The financial firms had to have some accountability.

Was Denver justified in trading Carmelo Anthony? I think the real question is, "Was Carmelo Anthony justified in forcing a trade to New York?" My answer: he could ask to get out of Denver, but he shouldn't have pigeonholed the team to get him to New York. You can ask for a release from your employer, you can't force them to recommend you to the next job, much less have them hire you.

Are law schools justified in charging the $40,000+ per year tuition they do of law student? They used to be, when expected salaries and employment-out-of-graduation rates were sky-high, but not in these times, and maybe not ever. Unfortunately, law schools have no incentive to decrease their rates......unless a fundamental shift in demand happens, they've got the sole advantage in these matters.

Was the Survivior tribe in the new season justified in throwing a challenge just to get rid of Russell? Probably not, kind of stupid if you ask me....seems like something where a "karma's a bitch and it came back to bite us" can happen very easily.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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