Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More BB craziness

Saw a funny political cartoon the other day, comparing Dick Cheney's political agendas with Harry Potter titles: "Dick Cheney and the Torturer's Stone," "Dick Cheney and the Prisoner of Guantanamo," and the simple "Dick Cheney and the Chamber of Secrets."

BB's a play on words on Big Brother, which I've become obsessed with, (not in small part due to me having applied for the show this year), but also on the Blackberry I just got, the Storm. I've heard mixed reviews about this particular device, and I'm still sorting it out a bt, but my main concern is the inability to get to the number pad real fast.......like it's almost become too complicated, going backwards while going forwards by not having a number pad. I bet there's some tech lovers out there calling me a dinosaur right now, but that's honestly how I feel.......It used to be those old-school spin dials for phones, and we came up w/ the numbers FOR A REASON.....now it's gone as well. Sigh. Guess not everything can go my way.

Big brother's driving me crazy. This is the part of the season where I start thinking everybody in the house is annoying....all have major personality flaws, like all humans, I suppose. Here's my assessment:

Ronnie: Pompous guy just got cockier. Plays the "National debate champion" card hard and thinks he can win every argument. He sounds exactly like kids I used to play video games with who would explain in painstakingly exquisite detail how they beat me. The worst part is how his short memory allows him to forget how the whole house turned on him last week and is now back to his old antics of "he said" "she said."

Natalie: Another instigator of the "he said she saids," her leaking the beans typically consists of "A told me that B told her that C told her that D told him who told me that A told E that...." I'm suprised she hasn't confused herself. And Casey's right, that girl STRUTS around.

Jessie: Anytime I need some comfort from the 2nd week of HoH Jessie is watching him getting evicted in BB10 and his epic fail in the hockey POV. He's trying to play like Dan and getting everyone on his good side this year, except he's already been HoH twice and is the biggest target in his alliance. And his guns get noticed.

Russell: One word-description of him would be "enigma." This guy bounces around like a pinball, and I'm mildly entertained. One day he calls out Ronnie, the next he sneaks in and assures him safety, the next he's back to asking Ronnie why he's shaking. Haha. Russell v. Ronnie may be the most entertaining of the year, but Russell is one interesting dude.

Jordan: Exhibit A of why I think BB should put more game players in the house than eye candy.

Chima: The over/under of her winning any competitions is 0. Seriously, she can't even win Have Not competitions. Pretty much a nothing player, the definition of "floater"-person w/ no power who just floats along.

Casey: My fav player this season. Big hand for putting up w/ some idiot houseguests, I wish he woulda detected the Jessie backdoor before, but I mean, he GOT A MARGURITA PARTY FOR THE WHOLE HOUSE. I think in previous seasons when BB hadn't evolved into "get the strongest players out first, the immediate threats to my safety out first" mindset to "who's better for the house?" mentality, he woulda stayed.

Urg. Another BB After Dark session concludes. I got a fortune cookie couple days ago that said, "you will soon witness a miracle." Well, Casey's gonna need a miracle on Thursday. Hope to see him get his redemption.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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