Friday, July 24, 2009

BB11 update


Man what a weird, ridiculous week last week that was pretty much made moot by Jesse frickin' lucking his way into another HoH week.

The whole season for me has come to two mishaps that happened to my 2 fav players this season, jeff and casey.

In week 2, Casey, Jeff, Laura, and the rest of the counteralliance had the eliminator challenge wrapped up, leading 4-2 w/ lydia and ronnie left, but after winning one of the questions, casey, unable to eliminate lydia and not knowing ronnie was the stinkin' rat, eliminated jeff instead to make sure an athlete didn't win, which instead of a 4-1 advantage turned into a 3-2 close one and let ronnie win. Urggg!!!!

In week 3, Jeff and Casey went last in the challenge against Jessie's 6........Jeff and Casey, who had been practicing the most and had it down, both shot really well and hit in the 7-10 range, and BOTH got unlucky and had it rattle out, while both of Jessie's shots stuck right in the 6. URGGGG.......I'm watching that part of the show over and over again, imagining what would have happened had either of jeff's and casey's balls went in (sounds a little weird, i know)

Those 2 events, I think, have defined this season.......both times the power would have shifted tremendously to the other side and every floater would have just been sent shifting, whereas now we have the same old same old. How lucky is Jessie? Guy must have the best karma in the world... hits a solid 6 twice in a row, able to play twice in the BB house by 22.

Ronnie getting sold out by his alliance was pretty predictable. It really reminded me of high school where the athletes et al used the brainiac for a week or two and got on their good side, then as soon as they didn't need him (in this case, after Ronnie put up his replacement nominee) they dump him like rancid meat. It's really sad that Ronnie couldn't see that coming. It's also sad that he now is relying on these guys like they're his friends while thye've already proven they're the worst allies and will push him off to the side any chance they get.

Chima's the worst. My god, if I had to hear her laugh in that house I might have to seriously think about getting thrown out of the house. No gameplay, no loyalty to someone who's backed her (Ronnie), and quick to start drama. Not a good formula.

It just frustrates me how Jesse and these guys who are so quick to blame everything on Ronnie and agree to work together to vote Ronnie out are gonna take out Casey or Michele, prolly Casey unless he wins POV tomorrow. I guess it could be a good strategic move, but I think it's just what Jesse's group would do, even in life. So much would have changed if those 2 little changes would have happened in the HoH comps. Alas, that's BB. I just hope I have someone to root for this year. Unlike BB8 (Dick, Daniele, and Zack = puke), BB9 (Ryan, Adam, and Sheila).

Congrats to Mark Buerhle for his perfect game. Obviously, it's good fantasy-wise, but I feel like especially in a head-to-head league it's somewhat trivial in a long season.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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