Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Hays Rebuke

This post named for a friend of mine from my University of Illinois days......he thinks he can debate me about sports all day. Here's his chance:

1. Hays probably thinks the St. Louis Cardinals are gonna win the NL Central. Problem is, they're a Chris Carpenter injury away from having weak pitching, a closer who's due to give up a lot of runs and blow a lot of saves very soon and a lineup that is 7 scrubs, the pitcher, + a machine. Not very balanced.

2. Hays probably thinks Roy Halladay is the best pitcher in the league. Beg to differ. Before last year's renaissance season, "Doc" wasn't taking his medication and had ERA's well above 3, w/ a low K rate that got him only 130 or so punchouts. Although he's a Taurus like me, he's getting older and will only deteriorate. Hays can get his jollies from watching Halladay all day, I'll take Tim Lincecum.

3. Hays probably thinks the Dos Equis guy is more interesting than Chuck Norris. False. Chuck Norris has been around longer, been more of a legend, and roundhouse kicks more people in the face than the Dos Equis guy.

4. Hays probably thinks the Cubs are overrated and are dead in the water with Milton Bradley. For once, Hays is right about that.

5. Hays probably thinks Rick Reilly is god. Although Rick does show godly moments in certain articles, he pales in comparison to what Bobby Yan writes on Fantasy Sports Guru.

6. Hays probably thinks USC Football will fall just short again this season and end up with one win. Instead, USC will prove that it didn't need Mark Sanchez, once and for all prove the Big Ten is a conference of the past by whipping Ohio State in Columbus, and go to the BCS Championship Game, if there is one after President Obama ripped it.

7. Hays probably thought Rod Blagojevich was a good governor.....Clear and convincing evidence, Hays.

8. Hays probably thought the new "Transformers" was a good movie. Uh, Hays, if you can tell me 3 things about the new Transfomers that was different from the last Transformers, I will buy you a drink, like Deron Williams supposedly did back in the day.

Good luck, and I hope these 8 things will humble you enough to admit your inferiority.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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