Saturday, December 8, 2007

Good news and bad news

I got some good news..............and i got some bad news.

Well, I got most of my law school applications in ! Finally! My only regret is that I didn't apply a bit earlier, during the Thanksgiving break times cuz i'm pretty sure I'm going into a buzzsaw time period where every one and their sister is turning them in just about now, and with rolling admissions at some schools it'd be better if i had done it earlier.........but I had my reasons, I suppose. Now I just gotta wait. There's some proverbial nail-biting, worrying, regretting that I didn't score like 2 points better on the LSAT ( which in my case was just 2 more questions right on a 100-question test), but whatever, if I get into that dream school I've mentioned before, it'll all be worth it..........If i get waitlisted, Grrrrrrrr........

The bad news is that this semester, with all these law school apps and stuff like that i've been slacking on this posting business for sure, and I can see from my lack of posts that it's been a problem. People are just not getting the news that they deserve and the fantasy analysis that they come to this board for. So I gotta do better. Especially after finals when the fantasy playoffs get rolling and some high stakes are on the line.

Basketball season just rolling along, i'm pretty pleased with the way things are going, even though some players of mine haven't doing so hot and i made a horrendous trade to start the year by shipping away Yao Ming and Jamal Tinsley for Al Jefferson and Jermaine O'Neal. At the time of the deal, it seemed like a good idea cuz it was like 5 games into the season, but Tinsley has just blown up and is one of the league leaders in assists, and he looks like a stud in that new Indianapolis offense, while Jermaine's role has diminished. This after he sat out like 5 games for various injuries. Urgh. Not cool.

O and one of my favorite players in the league, Kevin Martin, is out for 4-6 weeks. That's bad news for the kings. They weren't gonna make the playoffs anyway, but he's their best player. John Salmons is an exciting new player, but he's a different kind of player, not close to being the shooter KevMart is and thus not the scorer.

Golden State is back to being really good and really exciting. I think the hottest ticket for NBA basketball, at least exciting NBA basketball, would be Golden State and Phoenix, those teams would just run up and down the court w/ all kinds of athleticism........and baron davis is healthy right now, which makes it all the more intriguing. I say this after watching just a ridiculously ugly Chicago-Detroit game last's like grading rough drafts for 3 hours and then flipping on the TV to see the Victoria's Secret Fashion show: a sight for sore eyes. But yea, B-diddy, Monta Ellis, Steven Jackson, and a bunch of other warriors have great numbers right now. Not what I expected.

Dwight Howard had a featured article in sports illustrated this past week and there's a good reason why. From what i've seen in highlights that guy is a beast of beasts. He makes other beasts look wimpish. Like he faced phoenix and just made amare stoudemire look small. He's a sick man. He's averaging FIFTEEN rebounds a game? That's incredible. He's really having a very improved year, as his points are up to 23PPG, his blks are up to 2.9, and his FT% is up. Orlando might be looking at a deep playoff run this year. Especially with rashard lewis on the win backing him up w/ 2.8 three's a game and jameer nelson improving from last year's bust and hedo turkoglu with inspired confidence in the middle of that game.

The #1 ranked player is yahoo! is..........Chris Paul. Yep, not Kevin Garnett, not LBJ, not the matrix, Chris Paul. This guy has been sick and even though he missed 2 games he's still ranked #1. Those 9.8 assists a game are a big reason why, but he's just become an all-around player down in New Orleans this year and he's staying healthy. Boy o boy can't believe he was drafted last 1st-round, i think the lesson learned here is for a guy who's really young and just getting better, u really need to take a chance because him and dwight howard are proving if u don't go for them they'll make u regret it.

And the #3 fantasy performer this year is Manu Ginoblli. GI-NO-BLI! I dunno if gets some kind of wierd adrenaline rush when he sits on the bench and comes out later, but he's just tearing it up in that 6th man role, being the #1 option of the 2nd team. He's averaging 21 points, which is not characteristic of him. Really love his fantasy game this year after some above-average but not spectacular seasons perviously.

Other great performers so far this season: Caron Butler, Marcus Camby ( for not getting injured), jason terry, andrei kirilenko, rudy gay, Chris Kaman, richard jefferson, and GRANT HILL! Yes, the old man is back. I had him my first year in fantasy sports when he was finishing up in orlando and he was ok, but very average. It just shows that the suns offense can revitalize u, rejuvenate u, give u open shots, let u score, make u look good.

players doing baaaaaaaad: Ben Wallace, Andre Miller, Kirk Hinrich, Ben Gordon ( so far a lot of bulls, as u can see), jason richardson, gerald wallace, chris bosh, zach randolph. Yea even these guys aren't terribly big busts, except maybe hinrich. It just shows that this year there's been plenty of production, a lot from unexpected sources, and a lot of people are getting their stats.

-Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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