Wednesday, October 31, 2018

할로윈 (Halloween) - Most Terrifying Things

A co-worker dressed up as a clown for Halloween today at the office and wore the mask, had the red balloons (from the movie IT), looked very convincing.....and I was freaked out. I think it stems from back in the day when I was a kid watching network TV (we didn't have cable when I was a kid!) on a channel called UPN where they showed old movies (with commercials! How did I last through those!) and "It" or something came on, and the clowns transformed into human-sucking monsters, or maybe that was a Ghostbusters Extreme (cartoon) episode......anyway, I've been pretty freaked out by clowns ever since. When I went to a scary amusement park attraction a few years back, I got pretty stressed out due to various employees dressed up in clown costumes where they could creep up on you and whisper in your ear to make it extra creepy.

Anyway, here are the scary things in order of things I took off the "Must Know words for Halloween" site:

마녀 (witch): have never been scared of them, maybe cuz they seem avuncular to downright familial in all the Disney movies and all seem to be misunderstood, plus Asian cultures tend to make them nice witches like Japan's Kiki Delivery Service (excellent movie). 

검은 고양이 (black cat): I see plenty of black cats around my old neighborhood and had plenty cross the street in front of me. Nothing to worry about. 

흡혈귀 (vampire): tend to look young and beautiful. Probably would be able to fool me into giving them blood. I often wonder if Red Cross is their front organization 

늑대 인간(werewolf): these guys seem misunderstood more than anything: I know a few friends who have too much hair, and nowadays it's acceptable for me to have a lot of facial hair. There's times I glaze longingly at the full is very beautiful. 

Miira (mummy): seriously, what harm do these guys inflict? No obvious physical threat, seem very slow, and how do they see? Other than The Mummy movie where it's more about an Egyptian god than anything else, I've never ever seen mummies do harm, other than to my senses when someone gets toilet paper and does a really lazy Halloween costume. 

프랑켄슈타인 (Frankenstein): He's more of a hero anyway, and just trying to get to a loved one! A sympathetic figure. Oh and also slow. A common theme among these Halloween characters. 

유령 (Ghost): It's hard to understand how a ghost would hurt me if it can't have a physical form, but ghosts that possess people or even me........that's pretty scary. I feel like when I get angry, I do that because a ghost has taken control. 

Anyway, the scariest things are the unknown........(like death) Hollywood and TV has kind of desensitized us to all the monsters Halloween can offer. They need to come up with something new.......

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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