Friday, January 26, 2018

The Couple Quarreled, but soon made up (夫婦喧嘩したがすぐ仲直りした。)

This phrase is one of the most often example sentences in Japanese, it's everywhere. Fuufugenka (夫婦喧嘩) is a term for a typical lover's quarrel, where husband and wife (or some other kind of significant other) have an argument, but outside observers can assume that it's more of an insignificant matter that won't blow into something big, just something that people who spend a lot of time together do from time to time when they inevitably get on each other's nerves. And hopefully the example sentence becomes true, the couple had a lover's quarrel but soon made up because they love each other and went back to normal again. 

MJ and I inevitably get on each other's nerves. It happens, as it does in most relationships, I think, but I've learned some stuff to do (and more importantly, NOT TO DO!) during a lover's quarrel. 

1.) Do NOT raise one's voice. This is especially true for me because it escalates the situation and creates more tension, and makes MJ more upset. 
2.) DO buy flowers. It's not a cure all or 万能薬 (literally in Japanese/Chinese, a drug that has 10,000 uses) but it certainly doesn't hurt, and at worst you look at something pretty for a while. 
3.) Do NOT use violence. 
4.) DO appreciate the other person for all their hard work. Compliments, supportive comments. (For the guy, a lot of times it's just fishing for what the woman is upset about and finding it) 
5.) Do NOT just ignore the issue and go to sleep thinking it'll cure itself. A lot of times it's a test to see if you really care! Make the effort to stick around. 
6.) DO offer to give massages. Physical support can go a long way to break the ice. 
7.) Do NOT say too much. Extra stuff might shift the argument into different topics and make it worse. Find the right words to say, think about it long and hard. Less is more: sometimes just saying "I love you" 10 times may be best. 
8.) DO stay positive. It's possible that the storm is the worst right before the sun comes through. Try to be there and eventually MJ becomes a 천사 like she normally is again.

Hope that episode of relationship corner helped. Here's wishing you luck in solving your lover's quarrels quickly and fairly!

情人的争吵 中文和日文都有一个词语形容一对夫妇争的时候,表面上是在吵架,但目击者可以明显地看出来不是致命的吵闹,只是小变扭而已,过一会儿就会和好了。一起过日子的人难免有时跟互相过不去,吵一会儿就发现还是相爱,恢复正常状态。 我和我太太也经常发小毛病, 我用这些经验学到了一些重要的教训。请个位参考。 1。)不要用大声。尤其我的声音本身就大,越大越提高紧张气氛。别人也对大声有反感,容易火上加油。 2。) 要买花。虽不是万能丹,但不回有坏处的,最起码可以看看五严六色的癣花。 3。) 不要动手。决对不要。暴力是不可原谅的。 4。) 要多说对方的好话,表现有感谢的态度。经常做为男生不知道对方为何生气,可又多问问题和表扬这一招来寻找答案。 5。) 不要扭头不理,错误的认为睡一觉就解绝问题了。有使是考验,看你会不会费心来安慰。 6。) 要按抹。给实际的缓和可以得到精神的缓和。 7。) 不要说太多了。说都了还可能另找麻反,从一项目谈到下各个项目毛病阔大了。还不如就说我爱你十遍可能更有效。 8。) 不要桑气。对方就算是愤怒连天像暴风雨似的,但说不定再过一会儿会翻脸,太阳露出微笑。

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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