Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mother's Day Post - Appreciation for my Mom (Chinese and English)

美国的母亲节是每年五月初举行的,主要是庆祝母亲的努力和重要性。世上有很多母亲属于可畏的女强人, 但我觉得我妈可称头号队员


妈一直做了不少的牺牲。 我真的不能想象她来美国有多么困难,有多么艰难。一个人来了人生地不熟的地方,英文能力也是有限的。 换我的话可能无可耐和,人仰马翻地大矢败, 半途而废地狼狈回家了。 可我妈拼命奋斗, 为了我和我还未出生的妹妹争取一片光,总算是活下来了


妈在中国是一位老师,工作了好多年才积累了一笔钱来美国留学,而且当优秀学生获得了奖学金在一所美国大学做研究生. 就算如此我妈还必需打工,不学习时做外快, 哪里有什么玩的时间。这一点我很羡慕我妈,所有付出的精神和赚来的钱都是为了家里的人,全心贯注地奋斗, 争取可以让我也搬到美国一起住。虽然她吃了不少苦而她的青春就渐渐失去了, 但她从来不跟我埋怨, 低声不响地,咬咬牙坚持下去。 我看妈妈那么能干吃力也没借口了, 只好在学习上多用工, 用好成绩和奖状来表示我的感谢


记得我第一次在美国过圣诞节, 一直盼望着要一台任天堂游戏器。 妈那时没多少钱,但是因为是儿子的心里愿望,她就不顾一切地省钱,总知最后买了一台,我在圣诞节打开礼物时笑容满面,连续喊"盛诞老人是真的!"那时我没发现我妈比我还高兴, 为对她来说我的幸福就是她的福。在我生活中这样的例子发生多次,比如说上足球队是我妈出钱,上中文学校也是她出钱。 不管多少钱,要是花在我身上她都觉得值得
Mother's Day happens every year in early May, and for me it celebrates the hard work and importance of mother's. There's a lot of mothers in this world who can be considered strong women, but my mom ranks right near the top.
My Mom has always made many sacrifices. I really can't imagine how hard it was for her to come to America, a place where she knew no one and possessed limited ability to speak the language. If it was me in her place, I would be all out of sorts, suffer a miserable fail, and would have to surrender and go back home with my tail between my legs. However, my mom persevered through thick and thin, and survived (thrived, really) so taht my sister and I could have a place in this world.
My Mom was a teacher in China and had to work for a long time to accumulate money to study abroad in America. On top of that, she was accepted to a graduate university under a scholarship program. Even so, my Mom still had to work to pay the bills, and when she wasn't studying she would do part-time work, so recreational time was out of the question. I really admire my Mom for this point, as all her effort and money went towards her family, as she focused all her energy on being able to bring me to America (from China) and live together. Although she suffered a great deal and her youth gradually slipped away, she has never complained to me about it and has always perservered without complaint, always striving on. Seeing my Mom so persistent, I have no excuses but to study hard and express my appreciation with good grades and awards.
I remember my first Christmas spent in America, I was looking forward to getting a Nintendo video game system. My mom didn't have much money at the time, but because it was her son's wish, she broke the bank and bought a console. I was so happy that Christmas when I opened my present, exclaiming continuously, "Santa Clause is real!" I didn't realize then that my mom was even happier than I was, because for her my happiness was her happiness. This is just one example in my life, with others including instances where my Mom paid for soccer, paid for Chinese, etc., etc. No matter the cost, my Mom has always spared no dime when it comes to me. Thank you, Mom.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan


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