Friday, January 17, 2014

Laughing at least Twice a day

Recently I’ve found myself not laughing as much as I need to…….at least twice a day. Facebook is usually good for a snicker or two,, etc…. whatever it takes, do it. It makes me feel healthier and more alive, as well as works as form of de-stressing that doesn’t require recreational drug usage. I need more geragera laughter (Japanese for guffawing and laughing out loud) rather than just nikoniko (barely smiling) or kusukusu (chuckling to oneself).
Here’s no laughing matter: this week at the same location as last week, I learned that the Los Angeles Police Department captured at least another victim for dodgeball. Same exact ticket, same exact towing company. $350 or so. Unbelievable. Clearly the sign is not obvious enough, and it’s fast becoming an uncontrollable situation. Oogesa j’anai! (Not an exaggeration in Japanese) For me, I should have warned the dodgeball community by posting my exact situation on facebook and as many places as I could to stop the madness. I admit, I am definitely guilty of bystander bias (someone else will do it) and I gotta be more proactive about this stuff!
Another tidbit from my internet dating memoirs: it is always a little nervewracking (hara ga dokidoki) when meeting someone for the first time in person, someone who you only know through online. It’s somewhat similar to going into a job interview, it’s a bit overwhelming waiting in the reception area. On my second online date ever, I sat in the restaurant waiting area for a solid half hour before my date showed up…….a long time to think. How’s my hair look, what do I know about this person, what am I doing here, what should I say, did I take a breath mint this morning? What if she doesn’t like me? No matter how relaxed you can try to make yourself, it’s never easy (for me at least) to approach someone with the end goal really of deciding if they’re a romantic fit or not (this decision doesn’t need to be made on the first date, obviously, but these steps are all leading up to it). I imagine for the girl too there’s some hesitation but also more concern like “is this guy a stalker,” “is this safe,” “when should I get my friend to call midway through in case this doesn’t work out?” etc. It’d be one thing if it was just meeting friends for drinks or even on a job interview, where it could decide whether you get a job or not. The stakes are also so different. Dating is like possibly meeting the most important person in your life, OR meeting someone one time and never talking to them again. That’s a lot of pressure!
Anyway, going on another internet-based date tomorrow night. No pressure. Ganbarimasu!

Early Buy-low candidates for  fantasy baseball season:
Josh Hamilton (pressure’s off after a down year last year), Ian Kinsler (going to Detroit), Justin Upton, Giancarlo Stanton, Michael Bourn. Notice these are mostly talented players still young who have superstar potential (or at least the ability to dominate a fantasy category like Bourn) that had down years last year. I’m willing to bet you can get them at a bargain due to last year’s failures, I bet.

Players I’m loving for the current fantasy basketball season:
Kendall Marshall might STILL be available on your waiver wire even though he’s averaging like 2 three’s a game and 11 assists the last 5 games! The Lakers might not get ANY of their point guards back!

Anderson Varejao/Carlito: Stay healthy! A 13-rebound per threat with 1 stl and 1 blk, no turnovers. JJ Hickson is also becoming a rebounding machine in Denver. And Lance Stephenson might just be the most pleasant surprise all season, basically just taking over SG in Indiana and running with it. FIVE assists per game? Not surprising I guess given the lack of PG’s on that team. 

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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