Tuesday, January 8, 2013


If you wanted a food review or a cookbook post or to see what an Asian twenty-year-old eats, you came to the wrong place. I am not a "food guy," or "foodie,"

Most people, I'd say, could categorize their expenditures in terms of "necessities" and non-necessities. Ordinarily, food would be categorized under "necessities" (like, yea, you have to eat) but food is also one of those that can be ramped up so extraordinarily that it's a luxury or a non-necessity (a $5 plate of food from Ralph's is a lot different financially than a $50 steak dinner at a fancy restaurant). It's a different meal, you might argue, but it's still a meal. You've spent $45 more. Therefore, the way I look it, "enjoying food" can be a luxury non-necessity item, much in line with say, going to the gym, getting a dog, gambling, surfing, any of a list of things that are not necessary.

Food for me is like a daily schedule of activities: I know what I like, I know what's good for me, and I stick with those same things. I also go for the most efficient types of food: non-cooking, on-the-going, in-wrappers, kind of things. I try to stay away as much as possible from fancy dinners, elaborate dining menus, and the one that takes up the most time of all: cooking. O man I do not relish cooking. I haven't spent more than a half hour cooking in my life, and if it were mean I would rather not do so. I'd rather use the 30 minutes to do something more productive, because if time is money, that's money wasted right there. My motto is, "the quicker I can get it, the better it tastes." (that's one of my favorite mottos second only to "My favorite food is free food.")

Top 10 "Efficient" foods.

1.) Banana- perfect healthy food to fill you up and give you energy. Perfect to use about 30 minutes-1 hour before vigorous exercise. Any type of fruit, really.
2.) Sandwich- Open the package, put contents on bread, open mouth, start eating.
3.) milk- packs quite a punch for a liquid.
4.) Pizza- put in the oven, wind the timer, set and forget. I recommend Digiorno's.
5.) Chipotle- perfect stop-by-and get food that's actually relatively freshly made. No long lines, no long waits. I wouldn't buy the stock anymore though, too many copycat companies doing what it does and taking market share.
6.) Hawaiian bread- o man this is great with anything. one of the few types of bread that doesn't require any peanut and butter and jelly or anything, just pick up and eat. Great flavor. Very appropriate when already had a meal but still just need a little something to "get there." This hits the spot.
7.) Chinese mini-treats: there's a whole genre here, I'm talking like lotus buns, sesame rolls, and "jian bins"---- you can make these real quick.
8.) "Whatever's in the fridge at parent's house." Can't go wrong there. Usually well stocked. Full of foods you at least used to like, some that you have nostalgia about.
9.) granola bars, wrappered foods- anything that can sit in the car for 2 weeks and still be good. When in a crunch (get it?) these come in handy.
10.) Noodles/Dumplings: Ok takes a while and you have to actually boil some water (man I get antsy even doing this menial task), but very fulfilling. I only do this once in a while so as to save time. Haha.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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