Thursday, December 6, 2012

Enjoying (Still) Being Young

I came to the realization the other day (with the help of "older" friends) how awesome it is to still be in my mid-twenties. At this stage, I can still manage to do these things that I (probably, but don't count me out) won't be able to do in around 5 years (aka when that magical "big 3-0 birthday) hits:

1.) sleep on command. It's great to be able to fall into bed and just fall asleep. No tossing, turning, no nothing.

2.) Take a trip to Japan on a whim. A little planning and booking flights needed, but really didn't have to answer to anybody, bring anybody along (more under the "I'm still single" benefits list, but that comes with the "being young" package, I guess.

3.) Run everyday. Still could do this later, but at a higher opportunity cost (of doing other things like spending times with kids, let's say)

4.) Being active in dodgeball. It's one thing to move around and throw, but getting low to the ground and diving on to the floor to make catches: that's a different story. Elbows, knees, and other body parts will NOT be happy later on.

5.) Driving with complete coordination. Hand-eye coordination, how I enjoy you now and how I miss you. That said, I just got into a (very minor) accident the other day, but really generally being able to see all around naturally and follow your movements over are

6.) Eat whatever......I've always got the safety blanket that whatever I eat (as unhealthy and fatty as it may be) I can always burn it off later.

7.) Watch football on Sundays with "the guys" (and play fantasy football).......Who am I kidding I'm never giving this up.

8.) Being able to make fun of older people........yea even now doing this feels weird because you know one day you're going to be one of those people (if you're lucky).

9.) Healing from a cut quickly.........the other day I very stupidly reached into my bag where I had left a shaving razor and cut my hand on it, making a suprisingly deep cut on my middle finger and losing some blood. It healed in about 24 hours and I have no more pain. I've always said I'm kind of like Wolverine in that department, but even Logan's got to lose his healing powers as he gets older, right?

10.) Make some bad decisions. When you're young, you can take risks. And taking risks sometimes means making bad decisions. Those are Ok when you're young cuz you learn from them. You don't get that luxury when you're older. Make those mistakes now, Robert, and learn, LEARN!!!!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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