Wednesday, May 9, 2012


       Birthdays used to be fun, but they're not terrible now.  
          Best Birthdays ever: First birthday party in America, invite all the little friends over, baseball in the backyard, hot summer day, water guns, hose came out......great birthday, a big "Welcome to America."

          Best part of 25th birthday: You've still got half your twenties left.
           Worst part of 25th birthday: You've only got half your twenties left.
            Most entertaining part of 25th birthday: Getting all the facebook messages from your facebook friends. Makes you feel important, at least for one day.
           Most trite part of 25th birthday: The birthday cake. After 25 years of birthday cakes, it kinda becomes a hassle. I liked it, even looked forward to it as a kid, but now I can't help but think how many calories are in each bite, which one's more fatty, a red velvet cake or an ice cream cake. Not for me. If you want to celebrate my birthday, I'd rather have a fruit salad bonanza, please.
             Most untrue part of 25th birthday: The "make a wish..." hose wishes don't necessarily come true, let's put it that way. However, I've learned to keep my wishes a little more realistic and not so self-serving....that's the trick, I think, wish for something that benefits someone else.
          Age I felt like birthdays were not the best for one's feeling of youth: 22. 21 was much-anticipated, then didn't want to get any older. If only we can all be 22. I'm sure I'll be saying that about 25 three years from now. It's only downhill from here, I guess.
          Myth about "Your fantasy teams know it's your birthday and will produce"- not necessarily true. Not a bad offensive jolt from my team today, though...JP Arencibia and Matt Joyce, thanks for your contributions."
         Worst timing for your 25th birthday: Wednesday. Middle of the week, can't celebrate it prematurily, can't backdate it. Gotta go to work anyway, can't just take it off. I think Tuesday might be bad for this as well.
        Most overhyped birthay: 21st. Everyone's pretty much had alcohol then, tend to drink too much, pass out way early in the night. O that was just me?
        Worst time of month to have a birthday: I'd give my birthday (May) as a good candidate just for the college years/law school years cuz it was always finals time or studying for finals, so basically I'd be studying for finals or taking a final on the day. I'd also say having a birthday on any holliday is also pretty bad just because of the superseding effects of that holiday, but the WORST date to have a birthday probably has to be February 29th.......You get 4x less birthdays. That sucks. Ultimately, now that I'm an adult, I feel like birthdays take on new meaning: they signify the start of a new year, fresh possibilities, and a day where you feel special, but it cuts both ways: they also signfiy that you're now officially older. No more being in denial that "you'll be 25 in a few weeks but you're still 24, no more "I'm still young and I'm only this old so I got time,".... it's the official mark of one more year of life that you've used up. Makes you want to do something special, do something out of the ordinary to relish your life that you've wanted to do for a long time......which is why I'm going home to Chicago this weekend. Sweet home Chicago!!!

 Fantasize on, Robert Yan

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