Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dog Days of Summer - Questions

Is this the end for the Bulls? Don't think so. From what I've seen so far in Game 5, they take their talents back to the South Beach and (at least) make it a close game in Miami. Get ready for more playoff action.

Do I lose brain cells during the summer? I sure hope not, but sometimes I wonder. I've been so used to not performing strenuous mental tasks (camp counseling, vacation, general nothingness) that my brain is used to auto shut-down. That can NOT happen this year.

Is Carlos Boozer sometimes a detriment to the team? Yes, resoundingly yes. He's big and can score, but man is he a bull in a china kitchen.

Is the National Spelling Bee wide open this year? Yes, which seems to be the prevailing trend in recent years. The clear-cut favorite will be my "New Star Rises in Canada" pick from 2 years ago Anna Newcombe, but not an overwhelming favorite like Kavya Shivashankar or Samir Patel EVERY year back in the mid-2000's. This could be another one of those the 5th-best speller in the bee wins it. But if you're gonna bet (dunno if there's a betting market on National Spelling Bee, that would be rather cruel and exploitative of a natural competition like the National Spelling Bee), bet on an eighth-grader. A year older, a year wiser. (Not sure that's the case anymore at my advanced age)

Will the Dow be going up throughout this summer? Most likely. Economy proving, hiring picking up, less than 3 years removed from a major economic crisis, the market has nowhere to go but up. Buy equities now. Can't say the same about real estate. Don't Buy, Don't Buy!!!!

Was I right on my call on "Buy Chipotle Stock?" I didn't call it as perfectly as I wanted, and the stock did go down for a month or so, but I most definitely was correct. It's heading up to around $300 now. I have an 80% success in picking stocks. I'm starting to think I'm kind of good at this.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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