Sunday, September 5, 2010

Around the World for Free

Title Post inspired by the show "Around the World for Free" 2, now in its second season, hosted by Jeff Schroeder, formerly of Big Brother and Amazing Race.

Like this show. Not in love with it, not the best show ever made, but nice little getaway from your everyday. The premise of the show: Jeff has 100 days to go to different parts of the world from America going west and then back again, WITHOUT the use of any money whatsoever. Sound impossible? Well, Jeff has the awesome powers of the World Wide Web and thousands of users worldwide helping him on his way, so anywhere he goes, there's a friendly face there to greet him and pay for his transportation, lodgings, etc. The best part about the show is it's a web-isode, so only like 7 minutes or so each day, almost like a travel video blog, so you know pretty much exactly where Jeff is at any given time. Almost like you're traveling with him (which I'm sure is what CBS is trying to appeal to). It's the Amazing Race minus the drama, relationship fractures, and petty squabbles over place in line, and O yea, Jeff actually gets to decide where he goes and stop to smell the roses once in a while. Neat idea, Good show, better than I love Money 3, for sure.

Btw, speaking of bad reality TV shows, I heard Jersey Shore 2 got started. Is ANYBODY watching that show? Now that's a situation.

So it got me thinking, What would I do for free? Here's a rundown of things I would and would NOT do for free:

1.) Go to law school: Yup, if I had to do it all over again, would still do it.......probably would do it for a lowtuition value too, NOT the $46k that's dumped on us every year. Ouch, hurts me just thinking about it. Moving on, shall we?
2.) Play baseball in the major leagues: Probably NOT. I'd need to get paid. I'd hire Scott Boras. I'd be on the phone with Kenny Williams or whatever general manager constantly, trying to negotiate a contract. It'd be a living a dream to play baseball for a year, but can't get paid nothing.
3.) 50 jobs in 50 states: probably would do this ( like the guy I blogged about a year ago), if it's only for a year. Couldn't handle the lack of job security and moving around all the time, but it'd be a great experience.....for one year.
4.) Big Brother.........yes, I'd probably still go on Big Brother if I knew there was no money for me in the end. It's all in the game, brother.
5.) Volunteer internship: probably not. At this point in my career, I've done enough unpaid internships, or externships-for-credit, that I want to start getting paid. No more selling my labor for nothing, it's time for my degrees to start working for me, not the other way around.
6.) Write fantasy blogs for fantasy enthusiasts everywhere: Duh, I do this all the time anyway. Happy to be of service.
7.) Around the World for Free: definitely would do it for free, in a heartbeat. I've been to like 6 countries total other than the U.S.; could definitely use a trip around the world.

So yea, I think ultimately doing something for free shows your dedication and passion for some endeavor, and also if you're young enough and can afford to do so (without the burdens of a family, child support, etc.). I still can, but just gotta find the right opportunity to do it.
*************** *******

Therein ends the "everyday" portion of the blog. The following is only for hardcore fantasy football gamers who really need some sure-to-succeed picks for this year's football season. (by "sure-to-succeed" I mean "at approximately 60% accuracy")

1. Philip Rivers is still Philip Rivers. Don't listen to all the doubters, the naysayers, the people who say he's nothing without Vincent Jackson, the running game will take over, blah, blah, blah. Vincent Jackson did not make Philip Rivers, Rivers become elite himself. He will prove himself this year as one of the top 4 QB's in the game this year. I have never been so convicted about a player in the face of all the NFL scouts; this guy played like a superstar last year and will do so again. Enjoy the ride.

2. DeAngelo Williams: Again, remind me why this guy is a first-round pick in most leagues? I was down on him last year, he indeed underperformed, and now he's back up the charts? Seems as though he might be pushed into a time-share with Jonathan Stewart, and it's not like the Panthers are a juggernaut offense. They'll probably be down more times than not, and their QB doesn't exactly discourage teams from sending 8-9 in the box. Like D'Angelo Barksdale of the Wire, this DeAngelo will crash and burn. (spoiler alert for The Wire fans).

3. Ray Rice: Time. To. Go. Insane.

4. Jermichael Finley: should be the #1 TE off the board. All reports are he's Aaron Rodgers's favorite target? That's like digging in your backyard and oil spilling out like a fountain. Buy now

5. Calvin Johnson: hard to see how Megatron doesn't turn into a stud WR this year: In his 3rd year, on a team that will throw a lot, decent QB with a good arm. Wish I had him.

6. Chad OchoCinco + Terrell Owens: This cannot be good.

7. Dwayne Bowe + Michael Crabtree: could be the 2 most talented players in the league. Sky's the ceiling; at least one of these guys will "arrive" and be the talk of the town soon.

8. Older and slower: Randy Moss and Steve Smith. In a young man's league, guys who were good in 2004 won't cut it anymore. Prepare to be disappointed.

There it is. Until next time,

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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