Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Madness commences

So I'll give away my March Madness bracket pick: Rock Chalk, Jayhawk, baby. Although I am terrible at brackets, it's mainly because every year I go for a "perfect" bracket, and go for sleepers, not real things. If you look at 2007, 2008, and 2009, a LOT of top seeds have made it to the Elite 8 + Final Four, and Cinderellas have taken a backseat to the big dogs after the Sweet 16. Ever Since 2006, there have been no George Masons. There have been Davidson's and some others, but you just CAN'T bank on those, so no use predicting them.

My Final Four is Big East Heavy: Kansas, Syracuse, Villanova, and West Virginia. Could be a serious mistake.

Also ,I did an interesting experiment on asking people the following question, "Who do you have winning your bracket?" Keep in mind, these were mostly law students, so not necessarily a good sample of the general population, but here goes:

1.) Kansas, for sure.
2.) Kansas, but I don't feel good about it.
3.) Syracuse.
4.) DUKE FOR THE WIN, BAAAAABBBYYYY ( guy from Duke said this).
5.) Illinois. We're talking about the NIT, right?
6.) Cornell, who else?
7.) Sawyer.

Clearly, #7 was a little goofy, probably from St. Patrick's Day festivities,but still a good compilation of responses, and reflects the fact that Kansas is definitely the odds-on favorite this year. Kentucky's getting a little love, but their youth and less arduous regular season schedule has people less enthusiastic. It all begins tomorrow.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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