Thursday, March 4, 2010

Law School Classes

Hey 0L's (prospective law students), wanna know what law classes you have to take are like? Here's a brief description of the subjects I've taken through my first 2 years:

1. Torts: Basically, daily life: when you trip on a wire, hit someone in the face, rear-end someone's car, set up a bear trap in your backyard, it's basically everything that goes wrong in life, and everyone does it.

2. Contracts: Making Promises you can't keep and then getting sued for it.

3. Civil Procedure: the How-to book on how to go about suing people, it's basically giving the young studying attorney his driver's license. (or in this case, suing license)

4. Law, Language, and Ethics: Most schools don't offer this, with good reason. Basically a mix of philosophical dribble with interpreting what was going on inside a judge's head when making their decisions, the primary lesson I got from it was how to interpret what is considered a "vehicle."

5. Constitutional Law: The Amendments that you learned in high school take on a whole new light, especially those obscure ones you didn't even know existed like the 14th and 15th. Uncle Chemerinsky teaching you constitutional theory.

6. Criminal Law:

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