Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More rejection

Kind of on a down note today, more rejection in the life of Bobby Yan. Nothing new, but flies in the face of my "2010 will be different" theory. Applied to the Hong Kong JD Study Abroad Program and got turned down, flatly.

My theory is this about applications: In law school, you're bunched in with so many other law students who have amazing credentials that it's just impossible to stand out. My own resume and lack of experience plays a part, but it's like comparing luxury cars: everyone has outstanding resumes that yours just doesn't seem very outstanding.

Not really my fault, but my resume is probably one of the least impressive out of anyone at USC Law. My undergrad was University of Illinois, which is no slouch and I love my undergrad, but just from an objective viewpoint it pales to the Stanfords and Harvards of the world. Didn't have any relevant work experience out of undergrad (nobody seems to like that I was a camp counselor, which in my opinion is one of the best things about me), didn't do any legal stuff until 2009, no international experiences, which really hurts when I'm applying to a STUDY ABROAD program, and I'm an Asian male, one of the most overrepresented demographics in academic populations. Also, not supermodel attractive: can't really impress anyone at an interview with stunning good looks. It's really a tough spot.

I keep going back to one phrase that keeps holding true: you gotta get an experience to have an experience. It seems that a lot of positions you apply for, they're looking for an experience in something previously, which you can't really have unless YOU'VE ALREADY HAD A SIMILAR POSITION before, which you need to have applied for where they're looking for it's really kind of a harsh cycle. Also, should have been a valid consideration before coming to law school, but most of the people who had work experience after undergrad went out and actually did things and can talk about them, versus the peeps who came straight out of undergrad and can still only talk about undergrad stuff. More of an imbalance and obstacle for me than I thought it'd be.

Ah, I wish "Fantasy Football Champion '09" counted for something. Alas, gotta keep taking the hits of rejection and continue to plug away. I will pop open a bottle of champagne the day I'm on the OTHER side of the fence looking back at others who haven't crossed yet.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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