Monday, February 1, 2010


"He who learns but does not think, is LOST!" - confucius

In anticipation of the 2-hour Lost season premiere tomorrow night, here's a comparison of characters dwelling on the LOST island with the inhabitants of the island that is fantasy basketball.

Jack: LeBron James- the leader of any fantasy basketball team, Lebron slices through defenses like a surgical knife and looks good doing it.

John Locke: Chris Paul- The counterhero to Jack, the natural other #1 pick is Chris Paul, who's fantasy life this season is in jeopardy, much like Locke's is as last we saw, he was in a coffin. (the other guy was an imposter).

Ben: Kevin Garnett- O how the mighty have fallen. Once one of the kings of fantasy island, now relegated to making tiny moves like acting as a pawn and spitefully killing Jacob.

Miles: Yi Jianlian- only legit Asian in the NBA, naturally falls to him.

Sayid: Devin Harris- loves to torture you as to whether he'll play this week or not, and also with his atrocious FG%.

Sawyer: Monta Ellis- very, very sexy to own, you take the good (Pts, assists) with the bad (turnovers0.

Kate: Marc Gasol- hottest player in fantasy right now, topped by a 25 and 16 effort on Sunday.

Richard Alpert: Jason Kidd- the ageless one, and seems to get better with time.

Charlie: Damon Stoudamire- Gone but have fond memories of the Mighty Mouse.

Hurley: Zach Randolph- Once the jolly fat giant of the island and usually called for comic relief, I think it's time to take both Z-Bo and Hugo seriously, no?

Walt: James Harden- just a kid with a lot of growing up to do, but will he factor into the end-game plans of both lost and the Thunder?

That's it for now. Lost is on at 9/8 c tomorrow. Lost parties everywhere rejoice!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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